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The time degree (ger .: efficiency rate ) is the ratio of a predetermined target time to actual time scored (comp. Time determination ). It is calculated as the quotient of the sum of the standard times and the actual times of people in a period . It has its special meaning in piecework wages

The degree of working time can be determined for one or more people, a department or an entire company and is assigned to the workplace . Average time degrees can be used in capacity planning and costing to correct the specified values. In such a case, however, the risk of the so-called lead time syndrome must be taken into account.

The degree of performance must be strictly distinguished from the degree of performance . The degree of efficiency is calculated for a previous period, whereas the degree of performance is assessed in a time study according to REFA at the moment of observation.

See also


  1. REFA Association for Work Studies and Business Organization e. V. (Hrsg.): Methodology of the company organization: Lexicon of the company organization . Munich: Carl-Hanser, 1993. ISBN 3-446-17523-7 . Page 207.