Central advanced training for program staff

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The central advanced training for program staff (ZFP) of the broadcasting corporations ARD and ZDF was launched in 1977 following a resolution by the directors of ARD and ZDF with the involvement of the staff representatives of the public broadcasting corporations. Its first director until 1981 was the former TV editor-in-chief of WDR Franz Wördemann. Up until 2006, the ZFP offered around 400 events and seminars for around 4,000 participants. On January 1, 2007, the ZFP became part of the ARD.ZDF medienakademie , a merger of ZFP and the school for broadcast technology in Nuremberg.

Purpose and tasks

The training program was aimed at reporters and editors from radio and television, program and production staff, presenters, authors, video journalists, dramaturges, directors and producers. The focus of the seminars offered was the journalistic craft with exercises on classic journalistic forms of presentation such as interviews, reports and texts. There were also seminars on digital technology, online editing, script design and production.

Around 400 trainers and specialist speakers imparted their knowledge both in contract seminars and in direct seminars. ZFP had locations in Wiesbaden and Hanover .


  • Patrick Conley: “Learn the scene. Twice a year, the ZFP Radiomacher invites you to advanced training for the large form in Berlin: to the feature workshop. ”In: Cut , vol. 5, no. 5 (May 2001): pp. 48–51.