Pelczynski decomposition method

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The decomposition method of Pelczynski is a mathematical theorem, the evidence for existence of isomorphism between two Banach spaces is used. The theorem was proved in 1960 by the Polish mathematician Aleksander Pełczyński .


Let and two Banach spaces be such that is isomorphic to a complemented , closed subspace of space and is in turn isomorphic to a complemented, closed subspace of . Furthermore, one of the following conditions is met:

a) and ,
b) for a certain or .

Then the space is isomorphic to .

The above symbols and denote the p sum or c 0 sum of countably many copies of space .


Be and for certain Banach spaces and . Under the condition a) isomorphisms exist

and the same


so overall

Under the condition b) applies in particular and thus . So it applies


An analogous proof results for .

Application examples

  • Using Pelczynski's decomposition method, one can show that every infinite-dimensional, complemented sub-annach space is isomorphic from or to the original space .
  • Using Pelczynski's decomposition method one can prove that the Banach spaces and L ([0,1]) are isomorphic, but they are not isometrically isomorphic .


  • Timothy Gowers has shown that there are a pair of Banach spaces and such that is isomorphic to a complemented, closed subspace of and isomorphic to a complemented, closed subspace of , the spaces and are not isomorphic. Additional requirements such as a) or b) cannot be dispensed with in the above sentence. This is the negative solution to the so-called Schröder-Bernstein problem for Banach spaces.
  • Piotr Koszmider has a pair of totally unrelated compact spaces and constructed so that isometric isomorphic to a complemented, closed subspace of , and vice versa, but the Banach and are not isomorphic.
  • Valentin Ferenczi and Elói Medina Galego have constructed a continuum of pairwise non-isomorphic Banach spaces, so that for each pair and from this class is isomorphic to a complemented, closed subspace of and isomorphic to a complemented, closed subspace of .
  • Further generalizations of the Pelczynski decomposition method can be found in the literature.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A. Pelczynski: Projections in certain Banach Spaces , Studia Math. (1960), Volume 19, pages 209-228.
  2. F. Albiac, NJ Kalton: Topics in Banach Space Theory , Springer-Verlag (2006), ISBN 978-1-4419-2099-7 , pages 34-36
  3. F. Albiac, NJ Kalton: Topics in Banach Space Theory , Springer-Verlag (2006), ISBN 978-1-4419-2099-7 , Theorem 2.2.4
  4. ^ A. Pełczyński: On the isomorphism of the spaces m and M , Bull. Acad. Pole. Sci. (1958), Volume 6, pp. 695-696
  5. ^ WT Gowers: A solution to the Schroeder-Bernstein problem for Banach spaces , Bull. London Math. Soc. (1996), Vol. 28, pp. 297-304
  6. P. Koszmider: AC (K) Banach space which does not have the Schroeder-Bernstein property , Studia Math. (2012), Volume 212, Pages 95-117, arxiv : 1106.2917 .
  7. ^ V. Ferenczi, EM Galego: Some results about the Schroeder-Bernstein Property for separable Banach spaces , Canad. J. Math. (2007) Volume 591, pages 63-84.
  8. ^ EM Galego: Generalizations of Pełczyński's decomposition method for Banach spaces containing a complemented copy of their squares , Archiv der Mathematik (2008), Vol. 90-6, pp. 530-536. doi: 10.1007 / s00013-008-2568-1
  9. ^ EM Galego: Towards a maximal extension of Pełczyński's decomposition method in Banach spaces , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2009), Volume 356-1, pp. 86-95.