Civil Defense Primer

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The Civil Defense Primer was a publication by the Federal Ministry of the Interior from 1964 that was sent to all households in the Federal Republic of Germany as direct mail .


The richly illustrated, 50-page brochure contained instructions on civil protection during the Cold War, but also of a general nature. Among other things, a. Lightning rods, conventional weapons, NBC weapons, siren signals, self and external help, self-made shelters and the medicine cabinet.


The sometimes absurdly formulated advice became the subject of satire soon after its publication, for example in the television show Hallo Neighborhoods, which was later discontinued . Within the "ABC of Lies" of the traveling exhibition X for U - Pictures, shown from 1998 , the Lies of the Foundation House of History of the Federal Republic of Germany, which asks about the objectivity of pictures and shows basic patterns of the manipulation of and with pictures, is the primer later listed under "L" for "Legends".

Single receipts

  1. ^ ARD television program Hallo Neighbor , issue of November 18, 1964

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