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The first Russian gold coin , Old Slavonic Златник on German Z (S) latnik, was the Kiev Grand Duke I. Vladimir coined. It was in circulation from the end of the 10th century to the beginning of the 11th century as an imitation of the (Byzantine) solidus . The weight of the coin of approx. 4.27 grams was later chosen as the basis for the old Russian weight unit Z (S) olotnik (for golden) and was used in Russia as a precious metal weight for gold and silver until around 1918. The last one was 1 zolotnik (Russian Золотник) = 96 dolja (Russian Доля, parts) = 4.2657543 g.

The commemorative image of a Zlatnik was immortalized in gold on a modern Russian coin .

Under Vladimir I, the first S (e) rebniki, in Russian С (е) ребники (= silver), were minted as imitations of Arabic dirhems .


Ivan G. Spassky: "The Russian Coin System"; transpress publishing house for traffic, Berlin 1983, p. 42ff