The bricklayer's building wants to rise to heaven

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To heaven Mason Construction wants to raise subtitled a sealed in the 19th century Masonic - song . Its creator was Carl Levin Klop , member and from 1833 to 1834 substitute speaker and from 1834 to 1840 deputy lodge master of the St. Johannis Lodge zur Ceder in Hanover . The piece, also known as the “Ceder song”, was initially sung by the Ceder brothers at every table .

The song Klops, composed before 1835, found its way into the songbook of the Logenbund in the Kingdom of Hanover, which was published in 1835, and continues to attract attention in the 21st century, for example at the Masonic lodge "Zur Truth" in the Orient in Nuremberg. It is sung based on the melody of the song Wo courage and strength in the German soul flames and consists of 5 stanzas, each with different refrains for a choir :

“The mason's building wants to rise to heaven!
Whether storms roar, whether the thunder cracks,
but it stands firm and rises with bold striving
always high and higher through the weather night.
The thunder may rumble,
unroll centuries.

Even if time does not allow any earthwork to stand
what bricklayers build, it cannot perish.

The bricklayer builds deep in his own heart;
and it will soon be difficult,
renounce the heart's vain lust so coldly under hot pains, but
has, as you conquer, peace also the breast.
The heart may wrestle hostile;
the will can conquer it. Only the one who first conquers himself is free

whether he is also caught in chains

The bricklayer builds a long way before hearts are still beating.
Where there is still delusion and sin, where there is still torment, it
should be rose-red in all souls, and
the night flee from the eternal ray.
Elevating humanity
is our goal and pursuit.

The dark cannot stand beside us,
before the light of truth it must pass quickly.

The bricklayer builds high, builds for eternal life, that is why
his building defies storms as well as time;
Should there be praise, should there be a virtue,
the covenant is consecrated to the full force.
For trinkets and small things
you see the gates wrestle.

The free masons look to eternity,
the temples of mankind they build on earth.

So let us always loop the chain of brothers,
hands well, not hearts are separated by death.
What we wanted, we should succeed,
we shout boldly and meet in bloody red:
Whether storm and waves strike,
it will carry me to my goal.

I want through, through and if it were through Schlachtenrot,
there is no death for the sake of men. "

Web links

  • Lyrics with an audio sample of the piece as piano music

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hermann Müller: The St. Johannis Lodge to the Ceder. A ceremony for the 100th anniversary of the foundation on September 20, 1877 Hanover: Hofbuchdruckerei Gebrüder Jänecke, 1877, pp. 21, 56, 61; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. a b Compare the information on the page [ undated ], last accessed on May 30, 2019
  3. a b Songbook of the Lodge Association in the Kingdom of Hanover , Hanover 1835, p. 19f .; Digitized via Google books