To the red eagle

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Emblem of the lodge in the German Freemason Museum
Older logo of the lodge

The Sankt Johannisloge Zum Rothen Adler is a St. Johannis Masonic Lodge in Hamburg and works in the box house of the Johannislogen in Moorweidenstrasse.


Already on May 14, 1774, the legally improved and perfect Sankt Johannis Lodge "Zum Rothen Adler" in Hamburg was approved by Licentiat jur. Georg Ludwig Bokelmann founded (former member of the St. John's Lodge "To the golden sphere"). It is therefore one of the few oldest German lodges that (except for the time of National Socialism ) has been working continuously until today.

She was granted the “Permit Certificate” by the Great State Lodge of the Freemasons of Germany for the foundation of the legally improved and perfect St. Johannis Lodge with the nickname “Zum Rothen Adler” on April 25, 1774 and the letter of freedom of September 28, 1774 sent to the foundation. Both were signed by the founder of the Great State Lodge of the Freemasons of Germany Johann Wilhelm Kellner von Zinnendorf .

Famous Members:

David Schlueter , Dr. juris - (* 1758 in Hamburg; † 1844 ibid.) Br. Schlüter was Rath (Senator) from 1801 and mayor of Hamburg from 1835 to 1843.

David Christoffer Mettlerkamp - (* 1774 in Hamburg; † 1850 ibid.) He was a Hamburg-based lead coverer, officer and politician. During the French occupation, Br. Mettlerkamp created the "Hamburg Citizens' Military" (Hanseatic Civil Guard, not to be confused with the Hanseatic Legion) and, after the French defeat, rode in front of the Russian troops at the head of the now liberated Hamburg as a lieutenant colonel and commander. This citizen's military was financed exclusively privately, Br. Mettlerkamp contributed all his fortune. In 1817 he co-founded the art association in Hamburg (one of the oldest art associations in Germany). In 1848 Mettlerkamp was the age president of the "Hamburger Konstituante" (Constituent Assembly). He was also the Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Lodge of Lower Saxony .

Johann Ehlert Bieber - (* 1799 in Hamburg; † 1856 ibid) head syringe master and thus head of the (at that time still voluntary) Hamburg fire brigade. During the great fire in Hamburg in 1842, he led the extinguishing measures together with his under-injection master Adolph Repsold. He died of a heart attack in a fire while doing his duty. From 1820 to 1842 he was assigned senior syringe master and from 1842 to 1856 senior syringe master and thus the longest serving senior syringe master of the Hamburg fire brigade in history. He was also the Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Lodge of Lower Saxony .

Carl Ludwig Wimmel - (* 1786 in Berlin, † 1845 in Hamburg) Br. Wimmel was an architect and builder. In 1819 Br. Wimmel was accepted into the Hamburg civil service and in 1841 Hamburg's first building director. Thanks to his position, Br. Wimmel was able to build a number of public buildings during this period, e.g. B. the guard house at Millerntor. Br. Wimmel was lodge master of the St. John's lodge "Zum Rothen Adler" from 1836 to 1840

Johannisloge "Zum Rothen Adler"

Founded on May 14, 1774, registration number 18 of the Great State Lodge of Freemasons of Germany . V. - Order of Masons. The spiritual basis of the lodge work is the Swedish system of Freemasons.

See also

In Zurich there is the guild house of the same name for the red eagle .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johannisloge "Zum rothen Adler" , Encyclopedia de la Masonica , accessed on June 15, 2019.