For information

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For information (e.g. K.) or for information , a transaction note is used to inform other offices and clerks about a process. They take note of the submitted draft and can comment or initiate their own steps if necessary.

The inbox of an authority is distributed in accordance with the local rules of procedure. The respective recipient of the documents documents his knowledge of the receipt by a slash, the color of which documents his position in the authority's internal hierarchy.

The notification of an outgoing letter from the authority can take place before ("V") or after ("N") departure. Another form is the acknowledgment after return.

Acknowledgment is not a signature . The cognizant does not adopt the content of the draft that has been taken note of. The acknowledgment is documented by the name of the person taking note and the date.

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Individual evidence

  1. § 18 Paragraph 2 Rules of Procedure for Main Customs Offices and Customs Investigation Offices (HGO), § 9 Paragraph 2 Rules of Procedure for the Regional Finance Directorates (OFDGO)
  2. § 18 para. 1 HGO, § 9 para. 1 OFDGO
  3. § 18 Abs. 2 HGO, § 9 Abs. 2 OFDGO
  4. Section 23 (2) HGO
  5. § 23 HGO, § 25 OFDGO