Związek Banków Polskich

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The Związek Polskich Bankow (ZBP, Association of Polish Banks ) represents the interests of the banks of Poland, based in Warsaw . Membership is voluntary and open to all credit institutions that are subject to Polish banking law.

The association was founded in January 1991. The current chairman (2007) has been Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz since 2003. His deputy is Mieczysław Groszek . In 2007 there were 101 members and eight associate members.

The association is a member of the European Banking Federation .

Debtor Register

The association keeps a debtor register in which 6000 new entries are made every week. In addition, 1500 people report the loss of their new ID cards here every week. There are a total of 1.8 million items in the register. Information on how Poles pay off their loans can be found at the Credit Information Office ( Biuro Informacji Kredytowej , BIK). It collects data from 16 million people. ZBP, BIK and the Business Information Bureau ( Biuro Informacji Gospodarczej ) InfoMonitor have created Business Information Centers ( Centrum Informacji Gospodarczej , CIG) that store 44 million pieces of data on contracts and obligations of 17 million Poles. There are nine centers in the largest cities (as of June 2008). Later there will be 50 CIGs all over Poland.

Web links


  1. Rzeczpospolita, June 29, 2008, p. B3