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Heads of State · necrology · Literature Year · Music Year

The Union Jack from 1707 to 1800
The Act of Union creates the Kingdom of Great Britain .
The entry of Prince Leopold I of Anhalt into Turin after the battle
France under Louis XIV capitulates in the War of the Spanish Succession and renounces ownership claims in Italy.
1707 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 1155/56 (turn of the year July)
Ethiopian calendar 1699/1700 (turn of the year 11/12 September)
Bengali solar calendar 1112/13 (beginning of April 14th or 15th)
Buddhist calendar 2250/51 (southern Buddhism); 2249/50 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 73rd (74th) cycle

Year of the fire pig丁亥 ( at the beginning of the year fire dog 丙戌)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) 1069/70 (turn of the year April)
Dangun era (Korea) 4040/41 (October 2/3)
Iranian calendar 1085/86
Islamic calendar 1118/19 (turn of the year 3rd / 4th April)
Jewish calendar 5467/68 (September 26-27)
Coptic calendar 1423/24 (September 11-12)
Malayalam calendar 882/883
Seleucid era Babylon: 2017/18 (turn of the year April)

Syria: 2018/19 (New Year October)

Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) 1763/64 (turn of the year April)


Politics and world events

Great Britain / Act of Union

Constitutional Charter of the Act of Union from 1707

War of the Spanish Succession

Battle of Almansa
Siege map

Great Northern War

The Swedish possessions in the Baltic States
  • The Swedish King Charles XII. In Altranstädt in February, June and August, he refuses peace offers from Russian Tsar Peter I because he considers them to be a deception and plans to liberate the Swedish Baltic provinces.
  • September 1st : Charles XII. of Sweden and Emperor Joseph I conclude the Altranstadt Convention , with which the Emperor must grant freedom of belief in Silesia .
  • September 7th : Charles XII. sets out on a campaign against Russia in the Great Northern War . At Steinau an der Oder it crosses the Polish border. But the Russians cleverly evade a battle under the orders of Alexander Danilowitsch Menshikov .
  • Autumn: Under the leadership of Ataman Kondrati Afanassjewitsch Bulavin , the Russian Cossacks begin a social revolutionary uprising in favor of the serf peasants. On October 9 rub a division of the Russian army in completely, which in search of runaway serfs is.
  • At the end of October, because of the muddy season that began in autumn, Karl had his army held east of Posen , where new recruits increased the Swedish armed forces to 44,000 men. After the frost has made the roads passable again and the rivers have frozen over, the Swedish army crossed the frozen Vistula in the last days of the year . Menshikov is now avoiding a confrontation and continues to withdraw. Instead of following the trail devastated by the Russian army, the Swedes are marching through Masuria , which is considered impassable , thereby bypassing the prepared defensive lines of the Russians.

Other events in Europe

Confessional division of the Confederation in the 18th century


Tekle Haymanot I , who ascended the Ethiopian throne the previous year and murdered his father Iyasu I , has difficulties to consolidate his rule as a negus because of the murder . There are several uprisings in the empire. One of the rebels had himself proclaimed emperor as Amda Seyon in Gojam and then even conquered the capital Gondar . Tekle Haymanot returns quickly to Gonder despite the stressful travel that the rainy season brings with it and forces the usurper to flee. But his unpopularity both among the people and at court grows.


Muhammad Azam Shah
Bahadur Shah I.


science and technology




First half of the year

Casa di Carlo Goldoni: Goldoni's home and home in Venice, now a museum and library
Leonhard Euler
Linnaeus birthplace in Råshult

Second half of the year

The birth of Louis, Prince of Asturias

Exact date of birth unknown


January to April

May to August

September to December

Exact date of death unknown

Web links

Commons : 1707  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Significant Earthquakes Full Search, sort by Date, Country. In: Significant Earthquake Database. National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), NOAA, accessed March 27, 2010 .