European year of intercultural dialogue

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The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue is the European Year 2008 decided on December 18, 2006 by the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament on the proposal of the European Commission .


The reason for the European Year 2008 is the increased influx of people into the member states since previous years due to the multiple enlargements of the EU and the increasing mobility of EU citizens.

The resolution proclaiming the European Year did not provide a definition of intercultural dialogue . Instead, a number of properties were ascribed to intercultural dialogue:

  • Respect and promote cultural diversity in Europe, improve coexistence and promote active and cosmopolitan European citizenship based on shared values,
  • to contribute to ensuring equal opportunities and non-discrimination within the European Union,
  • to give weight to the cultural and educational dimension of the renewed Lisbon Strategy and
  • to serve the commitment of the European Union and respect for common values,
  • Allow the European Union to make its voice heard more clearly in the world and forge strong partnerships with neighboring countries.


The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue should improve the coherence, efficiency and visibility of the Community programs and actions that contribute to intercultural dialogue (such as the Culture 2007-2013 program ) and should also incorporate intercultural dialogue into other European programs and actions.

The general objectives of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue are:

  • Promoting intercultural dialogue;
  • Emphasis on intercultural dialogue as an opportunity to contribute to a pluralistic and dynamic society;
  • Raising the awareness of all people living in the European Union, especially young people, of the importance of developing an active and cosmopolitan European citizenship;
  • Highlight the contribution of different cultures and expressions of cultural diversity to the heritage and ways of life of EU Member States.


San Marinese commemorative coin for the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008

The activities in the context of the European Year are largely implemented on a decentralized basis, with each EU member state setting up a national program. The European Commission, under the aegis of the Directorate-General for Communication , supports the national programs with a Europe-wide communication strategy and with information material in all EU languages .

As a contribution to the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, the Council of Europe published its White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue in May 2008 .

Ambassador of the year

Fifteen people were nominated as “Ambassador of the Year”, including Henning Mankell , Charles Aznavour and Agnieszka Holland .

The European year 2008 in Germany

In Germany, the Federal Foreign Office is in charge and responsible for the national program; The coordination office is the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth . It is supported by a national office set up at the Federal Association of Independent Welfare Care.

The “Ambassadors of the Year” from Germany include the German-Vietnamese actress and presenter Minh-Khai Phan-Thi and the film composer and Oscar winner Hans Zimmer .

The Federal Government also declared 2008 the “Year of Integration”.

The European year 2008 in Austria

In Austria, the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs is responsible for the national program.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Decision No. 1983/2006 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 18, 2006 on the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008) , accessed on June 5, 2016
  2. Decision No. 1983/2006 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 18, 2006 on the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008) , accessed on June 5, 2016 , reasons, number (5).
  3. a b European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008). Retrieved June 5, 2016 .
  4. Decision No. 1983/2006 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 18, 2006 on the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008) , accessed on June 5, 2016 , Article 2.
  5. ^ A b Matthias König: The "European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008" in Germany. Heinrich Böll Foundation, accessed on June 5, 2016 .