Radio play and media art

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Radio play and media art (since December 1, 2017 under the name radio play / documentation / media art ) is an editorial team of Bayerischer Rundfunk . It emerged from the radio play department.


In the early 1990s, the radio play department began implementing cross-media projects. Radio plays were not only broadcast in the form of completed productions, but also conceived bimedially and broadcast live from the stage or from the studio. First groundbreaking examples were 1994 radio drama Apocalypse live by Andreas Ammer , FM unit , Ulrike Haage and participatory Studio Performance witches ring of Hartmut Geerken with Famoudou Don Moye . The genre of radio play was to draw new impulses primarily from music, through collaboration with musicians from the pop and jazz avant-garde. This development led to an expansion of the editorial name: media art was added to the radio play as an essential element , comprising electronic, digital, audiovisual and interactive categories and processes. The "Radio Drama and Media Art" department was officially established as the successor to the radio drama department in January 1996 as part of an organizational change at Bayerischer Rundfunk. Christoph Lindenmeyer became head of the newly established main department Radiophone Productions and the now renamed Radio Drama and Media Art department . Herbert Kapfer headed this department from March 1996 to November 2017. Barbara Schäfer was chief dramaturge from 1996 to 2006, and Katarina Agathos since September 2007 . On December 1, 2017, radio play and media art was expanded to form a new tri- media editorial team called radio play / documentation / media art . Ulrike Ebenbeck is the head of the new editorial team.


One of the goals of the Radio Play and Media Art department is to stimulate the discourse on the historical genre of radio play and to formulate and justify its own production aesthetics. The director Herbert Kapfer and the chief dramaturge Katarina Agathos refer to the framework conditions under public law and the organizational context in which this field of design is located - "the radio play as art in the mass medium."

The self-image should "develop from a radio play dramaturgy to an interdisciplinary artistic production management that aims to establish a permanent laboratory situation." The "conceptual statements about one's own program" are an exception in the German radio play scene.

Approaches to an aesthetic program become apparent when the Munich department "clearly emphasizes the connection between performance / concert / performance and radiophonic work." In cooperation with the radio play and media art department, "authors and (...) many teams of musicians and literary authors have created numerous audio pieces that have no boundaries in any form: as live events, some with interactive components, as no longer just one , but versions lasting several hours, as a game with visual forms and finally the World Wide Web. "

Examples of such teams include Andreas Ammer / FM Einheit / Ulrike Haage , but also Hartmut Geerken with the Art Ensemble of Chicago , or the writer and FSK musician Thomas Meinecke and the DJ Move D , whose radio plays and performances prove to be "particularly extensive with regard to the interaction of musical and literary production aesthetics ". Some of these free jazz , pop music or electronic productions were released in the 1990s on the label Rough Trade Records and Leo Records ; from 2000 onwards, the radio play and media art department published numerous in-house productions on the intermedium records CD series it edited .

The US-American music journalist and lecturer Greil Marcus , who became aware of some innovative Munich radio play productions early on, reviewed the radio play dr. Huelsenbeck's mental healing method in which the former Henry Cow members Peter Blegvad and John Greaves as well as the ex- Can musician Holger Czukay and the writer Raymond Federman were involved.

In connection with the production Walter Ruttmann Weekend Remix published by intermedium records in 2000 , Greil Marcus praised the producers of the BR as "radio station responsable for the most ambitious and inventive radio plays being produced today". BR Hörspiel und Medienkunst invited six musicians and teams to remix Walter Ruttmann's radio play Weekend, which was assembled from original sounds in 1930 . Were involved Klaus Buhlert , Ernst Horn , DJ Spooky , Mick Harris , To Rococo Rot and John Oswald . From the original "montage of sound elements" by Ruttmann, which only consists of "recorded original sounds", a "development line of media avant-garde across the 20th century leads through the remixes of the" old sound material ".

Another aspect of the aesthetic program, which seeks connections to the literary and artistic avant-garde of the modern age, can be seen in the radio play adaptations of prose texts, manifestos and personal testimonies by Dadaist and expressionist authors including Richard Huelsenbeck , Raoul Hausmann , Walter Serner , Carl Einstein , Salomo Friedlaender / Mynona, Franz Pfemfert , Hannah Höch , Paul Scheerbart , Kurt Schwitters and Jakob van Hoddis .

Sound poetry projects with the authors Carlfriedrich Claus , Ernst Jandl , Michael Lentz , Josef Anton Riedl , Valeri Scherstjanoi , Schuldt , and anthological documentations on sound poetry in the GDR can deliberately ignore the media art playing field of the "risk-resistant editorial team" in this programmatic context and in the genre boundaries. be asked. The continuous collaboration with Elfriede Jelinek and Alexander Kluge is of particular importance . Both also participate as contributors in many radio play productions and adaptations of their own works.

In simplified terms, the various approaches can be reduced to the formula “Intermediality and Open Form”, which was also chosen as the main title for the overall production directory of BR Radio Play and Media Art . Audio pieces, performances, videos, exhibitions, concerts, web projects - it is the variety of forms and formats of an applied program that can be interpreted as a consistent continuation or further development of the position that demands freedom from Helmut Heißenbüttel , according to which radio play is an "open form" : “Everything is possible, everything is allowed.” The “openness” now extends beyond the “form” “radio play” and points in the direction of new or not yet tested concepts of media art.


intermedium festival

In 1999, Bayerischer Rundfunk initiated the intermedium 1 festival conceived by Herbert Kapfer and the radio play and media art editorial team . Further partners were the radio play departments of ARD, DeutschlandRadio and the Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe.

The festival took place in November 1999 at the Akademie der Künste (Berlin) and was associated with numerous radio broadcasts. The topic was life, art and technology in the information society. The triggering idea for the festival was the increase in aesthetic and media mixed forms of performances, live broadcasts, music theater-inspired performances, remix projects, online presentations and interactive experiments. The festival saw itself as a platform on which inter-media projects in the fields of radio play, acoustic art and sound art could be put up for discussion and broadcast.

intermedium 2 took place in March 2002 at the Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. The 100-hour program was broadcast in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

intermedium records

The intermedium records CD series was announced in November 1999 at the same time as the intermedium festival. Since January 2000 intermedium records has been publishing new and historic radio plays, remixes, audio pieces, soundtracks and videos. intermedium records , edited by Herbert Kapfer since 2000 for the radio play and media art editorial team, has been co-edited by Katarina Agathos since 2008 . intermedium records is published by Michael Farin by Belleville Verlag .

Internet projects

Several productions in the radio play and media art department are conceived as online / internet projects. This includes:

  • The sources speak . The persecution and murder of European Jews by National Socialist Germany 1933–1945. A documentary listening edition . The website makes all the documents read and the conversations with historians and contemporary witnesses permanently accessible to the public. Supplemented by short biographies, manuscripts and additional research options.
  • Memory loops. 300 audio tracks on locations of Nazi terror in Munich 1933–1945 . By Michaela Melián .
  • FM scenario. The listener's voice . By Eran Schaerf .

Exhibitions (selection)

As an initiator or co-producer, the radio play and media art department took part in numerous exhibitions by art houses that presented works by cross-media artists. Some exhibitions were also dedicated to the intermedia practice of the radio play and media art department.

  • 1997: Eran Schaerf, Recasting , Kunstverein Munich , May 6 - June 22, 1997.
  • 1999: Nicolas Humbert / Werner Penzel, three windows. homage to robert lax . Haus der Kunst , Munich 1999, August 6th –26th September 1999 / / P3 art & environment Tokyo, 7.-24. October 1999 / Kunsthaus Zürich November 26, 1999 - February 6, 2000 / Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art Helsinki February 18 – February 2. April 2000 / Kunsthalle Bielefeld February 20–21. May 2000.
  • 2004: intermedium @ utopia-station. radio play art mix concert at the end there's a film . House of Art, Munich October 7–28. November 2004.
  • 2005: Michaela Melián , Föhrenwald , Kunstraum Munich 10. – 25. September 2005.
  • 2008: Michaela Melián, Speicher , Ulmer Museum April 19 - June 22, 2008 / Cubitt Gallery London November 14 - November 14. December 2008 / Lentos Art Museum Linz March 6th – 2nd June 2009.
  • 2008: intermedium records as a contribution to the exhibition Made in Munich . Editions from 1968 to 2008. Haus der Kunst, Munich November 21, 2008–22. February 2009.
  • 2012: Eran Schaerf, Where Palms Stand - Mask - Delay as a contribution to the exhibition Between Walls and Windows . House of World Cultures Berlin 1. – 30. September 2012.
  • 2012: intermedium records as a contribution to the Sound Arts exhibition . Sound as a medium of art . ZKM Karlsruhe March 17, 2012–6. January 2013.
  • 2013: Eran Schaerf, broadcast language - covert operation - announcement - error . Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund 16. February – 1. April 2013.
  • 2013: Eran Schaerf, reality race . ZKM Karlsruhe June 22nd – 4th August 2013.
  • 2013: Eran Schaerf, local translator . Museum for Concrete Art , Ingolstadt September 15 – September 10. November 2013.
  • 2014: Eran Schaerf, Armchair - Attention - Life Signal. Les Complices * , Zurich April 10–10. May 2014.
  • 2015: Eran Schaerf, And Charlotte Perriand brought a new object to the office every morning . Etablissement d'en face, Brussels, September 4th – 4th October 2015.
  • 2016: Michaela Melián, Electric Ladyland . Lenbachhaus Munich March 8 - June 12, 2016.

Radio play pool

Since February 2008, the radio play and media art editors have been offering productions for listening and downloading in the radio play pool. This was the first radio play podcast offering on public broadcasting. The radio play Pool started with The Invention of Poetry by Raoul Schrott . The authors represented in the radio play pool include, among many others: Rolf Dieter Brinkmann , Michail Bulgakow , Dietmar Dath , Raymond Federman , Thomas Harlan , ETA Hoffmann , Ödön von Horváth , Robert Hältner , Hartmut Geerken , Rainald Goetz , Ernst Jandl , Elfriede Jelinek , James Joyce , Franz Kafka , Alexander Kluge , Michael Lentz , Friederike Mayröcker , Herta Müller , Ulrike Ottinger , Kathrin Röggla , Thomas von Steinaecker , Laurence Sterne , Peter Weiss , Virginia Woolf .


Starting in 2006, the Radio Play and Media Art department initiated a series of audiovisual competitions. The editorial team defined itself as a laboratory. Artistic forms should be tested and younger artists invited to publish in public service programs. Selected audio and video productions were broadcast on the Bayern 2 radio program and published on the editorial team's website.

  • 2006: Weekend 2006 . Weekend , created in 1930, is the only radio play work by the filmmaker Walter Ruttmann . In the 2006 competition, the radio play and media art editorial team asked: How does Weekend 2006 sound? The winning pieces and the works by radio play makers Ulrich Bassenge , Hermann Bohlen , Martin Conrads, Kalle Laar and Antje Vowinckel , which were realized at the same time as the competition, are available as podcasts / downloads in the radio play pool.
  • 2007: Everyone is an artist - you have 3 minutes . The artmix.galerie competition was based on the quote from Joseph Beuys : 'Everyone is an artist'. The only requirement for the participants was that the contributions should be limited to three minutes. Art experts honored each selected work with a laudation. Competition entries in the BR radio play pool
  • 2008: Imaginary landscapes - hymns, audio pieces, sonic fictions . Artmix.galerie did not make any specifications for this competition. The motto was just a quote from Miles Davis : Don't play what's there. Play what's not there . The title Imaginary Landscapes is derived from John Cage's imaginary landscapes . Competition entries in the BR radio play pool.
  • 2008/2009: LAW: love - work - knowledge . In 2008/09, the artmix.galerie of the radio play and media art editorial team was looking for audio pieces and videos in a competition on the topic: love, work, knowledge at the beginning of the 21st century - true to Wilhelm Reich's credo : “Love, work and knowledge are the sources of our life. You should also be able to do it. ”Competition entries in the BR radio play pool.
  • 2009: Techno Fossil . Audio pieces and videos dealing with outdated recording and playback devices could be submitted for this artmix.galerie competition . In different ways, the contributions were devoted to the life of the old media apparatus. A Best of Techno Fossil is available as a podcast / download in the BR radio play pool.
  • 2010: Time is on your side . We were looking for videos and audio pieces that deal productively with one's own time structure. Competition entries in the BR radio play pool.
  • 2011: vocal cords. Band voices . Audio pieces and videos could be submitted for this competition, in which the possibilities of the voice could be re-explored and tested, also apart from its function as a transmitter of language. 88 works were submitted, 23 of them were selected and presented weekly on the radio and in the artmix.galerie between June 2011 and January 2012. A best of vocal cords. Band parts are available as podcasts / downloads in the BR radio play pool.
  • 2016: Public Workshop . A competition initiative and series for young radio playmakers and media artists. Authors who have not yet produced radio plays on behalf of Bayerischer Rundfunk can submit exposés and manuscripts to this competition . A jury will select up to five exposés or manuscripts from the entries. Based on the submitted works, audio pieces between 5 and 20 minutes in length are produced in the BR's radio play studio with editorial support. Public Workshop 1 is a cooperation with the BR youth channel PULS . The competition is documented in the BR radio play pool.

Listen! Play! Art.mix

The weekly series Hör! Spiel! Art.mix has been part of the Bayern2 program since July 2003 .

“With the title we remembered Ernst Jandl's good, old definition of the radio play: 'Listen! Game! is a double imperative '. We have added 'art.mix' to that. "

- (Herbert Kapfer in conversation with Agnieszka Lessmann and Frank Olbert).

In this moderated broadcast on Friday evening, radio plays and discussions with studio guests are presented.The guests include authors, dramaturges, directors, media theorists, musicians, for example: Okwui Enwezor , Jenny Erpenbeck , Dominik Graf , Ernst Jandl , Friedrich Knilli , Alice Lagaay, Sascha Lobo , Friederike Mayröcker , Kathrin Passig , Edgar Reitz , Klaus Staeck , Hito Steyerl , Klaus Wagenbach , Peter Weibel , Sigrid Weigel u. v. a. The discussions are available as a podcast / download in the BR radio play pool.

Multi-part productions (selection)


The entire radio play productions of the Bavarian Radio are listed in two publications. The production directories are supplemented by an intermedium records discography, an audio book discography, a bibliography, a filmography and a directory of accompanying programs (essay, conversation, reading).

  • Herbert Kapfer (ed.): From broadcast game to media art. The history of the radio play in Bavarian radio. The complete directory of radio play production by Bavarian Radio 1949–1999. Belleville, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-923646-97-6 .
  • Herbert Kapfer, Barbara Schäfer, Katarina Agathos (eds.): Intermediality and open form. Radio play and media art on Bayerischer Rundfunk. Complete directory 1996-2005. Belleville, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-936298-47-5 .

Further publications:

  • Hartmut Geerken , Art Ensemble of Chicago : zero sun no point. October 25th and 26th, 1996. In cooperation with the Bavarian State Theater / Marstall. Munich, BR Radio Play and Media Art 1996.
  • Eran Schaerf: Recasting. Published by Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerp / BR Radio Play and Media Art / Kunstverein München / FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims. Gent, Van Melle 1997.
  • Nicolas Humbert, Werner Penzel: three windows. homage to Robert Lax . Published by CineNomad / P3Art and Environment Tokyo / Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art Helsinki / BR radio play and media art. Bernhard Moosbrugger. Zurich / Munich, CineNomad 1999.
  • robert lax. Multimedia box. Edited by BR radio play and media art, Herbert Kapfer. In collaboration with Haus der Kunst , Munich / Kunsthaus Zürich / Bielefelder Colloquium / CineNomad / Bernhard Moosbrugger / Gertraud Scholz Verlag. Munich, Belleville 1999, ISBN 3-933510-29-5 .
  • intermedium 1. Intermedial performance. Audio lounge. Conversation. Radio play. Movie. Academy of Arts , Berlin. 19. – 21. Nov. 1999. Munich, BR Radio Play and Media Art 1999.
  • Eva Meyer, Eran Schaerf: Memory for two. For the Performance of Europe. With an afterword by Elfriede Jelinek . Published by BR Radio Play and Media Art / ZKM Karlsruhe / Kunstverein Munich . intermedium doc. Munich, Belleville 2000, ISBN 3-933510-80-5 .
  • Herbert Kapfer, Peter Weibel (Ed.): Intermedium 2. Identities in the 21st century. Radio play / discourse / net art / performance / installation / VJ / DJ-ing. Bayerischer Rundfunk / radio play and media art / center for art and media technology. Munich / Karlsruhe 2002, ISBN 3-934847-02-1 .
  • Katarina Agathos, Herbert Kapfer (Ed.): Radio play. Authors' talks and portraits. Talks with authors and portraits by Roana Brogsitter, Knut Cordsen, Jörg Drews , Uwe Naumann, Klaus Ramm , Carl-Ludwig Reichert , Mira Alexandra Schnoor, Katharina Teichgräber, Gunna Wendt . Edition BRradiobuch No. 9. Belleville, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-936298-68-0 .

Prices (selection since 1996)

A selection of prizes for productions by the radio play and media art editorial team since 1996. (*) = As a podcast / download in the BR radio play pool.

year price Author title Director production comment
1997 Radio play of the month Elfriede Jelinek / Olga Neuwirth Death rates Olga Neuwirth BR radio play and media art Radio play of the month June 1997
1998 Radio play of the month Walter Ruttmann u. a. Walter Ruttmann Weekend Remix * To Rococo Rot u. v. a. BR radio play and media art Radio play of the month January 1998
1998 Radio play of the month Andreas Neumeister Great life and savings * Robert Lippok and Ronald Lippok BR radio play and media art Radio play of the month July 1998
1999 Radio play of the month Philip Jeck Vinyl Coda I. Philip Jeck BR radio play and media art 1999 Radio play of the month February 1999
1999 Radio play of the month Raymond Federman Take it or leave it Ulrich Gerhardt BR radio play and media art 1999 Radio play of the month July 1999
1999 Radio play of the month Katharina Franck / Ulrike Haage In our way of life, it is very pleasant to be invited to a party well in advance, according to texts by Jane Bowles . Ulrike Haage BR radio play and media art 1999 Radio play of the month September 1999
1999 Radio play of the month Andreas Ammer / Console Bugs & Beats & Beasts - Musica Entomologica Andreas Ammer / Console BR radio play and media art 1999 Radio play of the month October 1999
2000 Radio play of the month Raoul scrap The Lop Nor desert Barbara Schäfer BR radio play and media art 2000 Radio play of the month August 2000

Radio play of the year

Helmut Krausser Tuesday Bernhard Jugel / Helmut Krausser BR radio play and media art Radio play of the month October 2000
2000 Radio play of the month Thomas Mann The magic Mountain Ulrich lamps BR radio play and media art 2000 Radio play of the month December 2000
2001 Radio play of the year Thea von Harbou / Fritz Lang Metropolis Bernhard Jugel BR radio play and media art 2000 Radio play of the month February 2001. Arrangement: Michael Farin , composition: Laar / Zeitbloom
2001 Radio play of the month Thomas Harlan The Rosa Peham Files * Bernhard Jugel BR Radio Play and Media Art / WDR 2001 Radio play of the month April 2001.
2001 Radio play of the month William S. Burroughs Last words Barbara Schäfer BR Radio Play and Media Art / WDR 2001 Radio play of the month September 2001. Editing: Barbara Schäfer / Ulrike Haage .
2002 Radio play of the year Eran Schaerf The listener's voice * Eran Schaerf BR – radio play and media art / ZKM Karlsruhe / intermedium 2 Speaker: Peter Veit
2003 Radio play of the month Ulrich Bassenge / Bernhard Jugel sound archive - a trilogy Bernhard Jugel / Ulrich Bassenge BR – radio play and media art Radio play of the month October 2003
2004 Radio play award of the war blind Elfriede Jelinek Jackie Karl Bruckmaier BR radio play and media art
2006 Radio play award of the war blind Michaela Melián Föhrenwald * Michaela Melián BR radio play and media art / kunstraum muenchen 2005
2008 Karl Sczuka Prize Thomas Meinecke / David Moufang ( Move D ) translations * Thomas Meinecke / David Moufang BR radio play and media art
2008 Radio play of the year Michaela Melián Memory * Michaela Melián BR radio play and media art in collaboration with the Münchener Kammerspiele Composition: Michaela Melián / Carl Oesterhelt
2009 Karl Sczuka Prize Wolfgang Müller Séance Vocibus Avium * Wolfgang Müller BR radio play and media art
2010 Radio play of the year Michaela Melián Memory Loops - audio tracks on the sites of Nazi terror in Munich 1933–1945 * Michaela Melián BR radio play and media art in cooperation with the City of Munich / Cultural Department Free Art in Public Space. Radio play of the month October 2010
2012 Radio play of the year Felix Kubin Orphée Mécanique * Felix Kubin BR radio play and media art Radio play of the month March 2012
2012 Grimme Online Award Michaela Melián Memory loops * Michaela Melián
2015 ARD Online Award Andreas Ammer / Markus Acher / Micha Acher The King is gone * Andreas Ammer BR radio play and media art Audience award
2016 German audio book award The sources speak * Ulrich Gerhardt , Ulrich lamps BR radio play and media art Category: Best Publishing Achievement
2017 German audio book award Frank Witzel The invention of the Red Army Faction by a manic-depressive teenager in the summer of 1969 * Leonhard Koppelmann BR radio play and media art Category: Best radio play

Broadcast dates

Radio plays in the Bayern 2 program :

  • Saturday from 3:05 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Sunday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Monday from March 20th to 9pm
  • Wednesday from March 20th to 9pm (radioKrimi)
  • Friday from 21.05 to 10.30 p.m. (listen! Spiel! Art.mix)
  • Holidays from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Herbert Kapfer: Sounds like radio play. New impulses for an old genre. In: epd church and radio. Information service for radio and television. No. 74, September 21, 1991, pp. 6-9.
  2. Bettina Anita Wodianka: Intermedial play spaces in the radio play of the present. In: Axel Volmar, Jens Schröter (Ed.): Auditive media cultures. Hearing techniques and sound design practices. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2013, ISBN 978-3-8376-1686-6 , p. 343.
  3. Katarina Agathos, Herbert Kapfer (Ed.): Radio play. Authors' talks and portraits . BR Radio Book No. 9. Belleville Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-936298-68-0 , p. 12.
  4. ^ Herbert Kapfer: Audio Dramaturgy and Media Art. A lab report. In: Anke Roeder, Klaus Zehelein (ed.): The art of dramaturgy. Theory, practice, training. Henschel Verlag, Leipzig 2008, ISBN 978-3-89487-655-5 , p. 168.
  5. ^ Hans-Jürgen Krug: Small story of the radio play . UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, Konstanz 2008, 2nd edition, ISBN 978-3-86764-076-3 , p. 161.
  6. ^ Barbara Büscher: Radiophonic Events. On the relationship between live performances and media formats. In: Hörspielsommer eV (Ed.): Radio play places. Positions on radio art. Voland & Quist, Dresden and Leipzig 2011, ISBN 978-3-938424-86-5 , p. 147.
  7. Jörg Albrecht: Abortions. Performance and poetics in prose and radio play 1965–2002 . Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8353-1361-3 , p. 445.
  8. Markus Tillmann: Popular Music and Pop Literature. on the intermediality of literary and musical production aesthetics in contemporary German-language literature . Transkript Verlag, Bielefeld 2013, ISBN 978-3-8376-1999-7 , p. 279.
  9. Peter Blegvad, John Greaves, Herbert Kapfer, Regina Moths: dr. huelsenbeck's mental healing method. Production: BR, SR, SWF 1992. CD: Rough Trade Records, Herne 1992, RTD 197.1341.2 41
  10. ^ Greil Marcus: Real Life Rock. The Complete Top Ten Columns 1986-2014 . Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2015, ISBN 978-0-300-19664-1 , p. 217.
  11. ^ Dieter Daniels: Art as a broadcast. From telegraphy to the internet . CH Beck, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-406-49509-5 , p. 231.
  12. ^ Franz Mon: The story of stories in the radio plays by Michael Lentz. In: Jürgen Egyptien (Ed.): Literature in the modern age. Yearbook of the Walter-Hasenclever-Gesellschaft Volume 8 (2012/2013). V&R unipress, Göttingen 2013, ISBN 978-3-8471-0144-4 , p. 81.
  13. see: Michael Bachmann: radio play since the 1990s. Andreas Ammers 'Apocalpyse Live'. Transcendent narration and an intermedia situation. In: Karl Nikolaus Rennger, Dagmar Hoff, Matthias Krings (eds.): Media. Tell. Society. Transmedia storytelling in the age of media convergence. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 2013, ISBN 978-3-11-026453-1 , pp. 19–36.
  14. Helmut Heißenbüttel: Horoscope of the radio play. In: Helmut Heißenbüttel: On the tradition of modernity. Articles and Notes 1964–1971 . Luchterhand, Neuwied and Berlin 1972, p. 222 f.
  15. Herbert Kapfer: intermedium. From sound to image to discourse etc. In: Andreas Stuhlmann (Ed.): Radio culture and hearing art. Between avant-garde and popular culture 1923–2001. Koenigshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2001, ISBN 3-8260-2097-9 , p. 312.
  16. intermedium 2 .
  17. intermedium records
  18. The sources speak
  19. Memory Loops
  20. FM Scenario
  21. ^ Utopia Station
  22. Made in Munich
  23. ^ BR radio play pool
  24. ^ BR radio play Pool - Weekend 2006
  25. ^ BR radio play pool - Everyone is an artist
  26. ^ BR radio play pool - competition imaginary landscapes
  27. ^ BR radio play Pool - LAW .
  28. ^ BR radio play Pool - Best of Techno Fossil
  29. BR radio play Pool - Time is on your side
  30. ^ BR radio play Pool - Best of vocal cords. Band voices
  31. ^ BR - Public Workshop competition
  32. Deutschlandfunk
  33. ^ BR radio play pool art.mix conversations
  34. ^ BR radio play Pool - Musil, The man without qualities. Remix
  35. ^ BR radio play Pool - Weiss, The Aesthetics of Resistance
  36. ^ BR radio play Pool - Kluge, Chronicle of feelings
  37. ^ BR radio play Pool - Kafka, The Process .
  38. ^ BR radio play Pool - Dick, Sauwaldprosa
  39. ^ BR radio play Pool - Virginia Woolf, Orlando
  40. Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Erste Erde Epos ( Memento of the original from April 23, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  41. ^ BR radio play Pool - Scrap, First Earth Epos
  42. ^ BR radio play Pool - Stars, Life and Views by Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  43. BR radio play Pool - Virginia Woolf, To the lighthouse (3 parts)
  44. ^ BR radio play Pool - Kafka, Das Schloss
  45. ^ BR radio play Pool - Ford, The end of the parades
  46. Radio play of the month / year