Elections 1896

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Other events

The elections and votes listed here took place in 1896 .




The Swiss parliamentary elections in 1896 took place on October 25, 1896. There were 147 seats in the National Council for election . The elections were made according to the majority voting system, with the country being divided into 52 national council constituencies of different sizes . The clear winner of the election was the Free Democratic Party , which emerged in 1894 from the merger of the Free Democrats (or radical liberals) with groups close to them. The newly elected parliament met for the first time in the 17th legislative period on December 7, 1896.

United States

Election to the House of Representatives

On November 3, 1896, the House of Representatives in the United States was elected. Elections in three countries took place between June and September. The election was part of the general election to the 55th United States Congress that year, which also elected a third of US Senators . The 1896 presidential election , won by Republican William McKinley , also took place at the same time . At the time of the election, the United States consisted of 45 states. The number of MPs to be elected was 357. The distribution of seats was based on the 1890 census .

Presidential election

The presidential election in the United States of November 3, 1896 was won by Republican William McKinley and his running mate as a candidate for the vice-presidency Garret Hobart . Her rivals were Democrat William Jennings Bryan and Arthur Sewall, who was running for Vice President . Bryan owed his nomination to an enthusiastically received party conference speech in which he warned against forcing the working population under a "cross of gold". McKinley won 23 states, Bryan 22. The difference in votes in the Electoral College was 271: 176, but more clearly in favor of the Republicans, who could thus win the election.