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Panicum turgidum: Difference between revisions

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I provided a new, "ecology" section: I used a bibliographic reference to mention that Panicum turgidum is able to act as a nurse plant for tree regeneration in the Sahara
m clean up, typos fixed: , → , using AWB
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| binomial_authority = [[Peter Forsskål|Forssk.]]
'''''Panicum turgidum''''' ([[Peter Forsskål|Forssk.]])<ref>[http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=PATU8 USDA PLANTS Profile: Panicum turgidum Forssk. -- desert grass]</ref> is an old world clumping desert [[bunchgrass]] of the ''[[Panicum]]'' genus.
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In the Nigerien Sahara, tussocks of ''Panicum turgidum'' act as a nurse plants for tree regeneration. They have been shown facilitating the regeneration of ''Acacia tortilis'' subsp. ''raddiana'' by protecting seedlings from drought and domestic herbivory. Accordingly, transplanting seedlings of Saharan trees inside ''Panicum''’s tussocks may promote substantially reforestation in degraded areas on a long-term scale .<ref>Anthelme, F. & Michalet, M. 2009. Grass-to-tree facilitation in an arid grazed environment (Aïr Mountains, Sahara). Basic and Applied Ecology 10: 437:446. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B7GVS-4VP177C-2&_user=2292769&_coverDate=08%2F31%2F2009&_alid=1722356494&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_zone=rslt_list_item&_cdi=20438&_sort=r&_st=13&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=1&_acct=C000056834&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=2292769&md5=a1a3e5a1eeec762140c45f2e51001118&searchtype=a)</ref>.
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*[http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=2305&page=251 p. 261. Board on Science and Technology for International Development, Office of International Affairs, National Research Council. Lost Crops of Africa: Volume I: Grains]. The National Academies of Science, United States. (1996) ISBN 9780309049900 .
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*[http://plantdiversityofsaudiarabia.info/Biodiversity-Saudi-Arabia/Vegetation/Vegetation.htm Jacob Thomas. Biodiversity of Saudi Arabia: Vegetation. 20-5-2007].
*[http://ispi-lit.cirad.fr/text/Culmsee97c.htm Culmess, Heike. (1997): Investigations on the feeding and migration behavior of the Desert Locust Schistocerca gregaria depending on the vegetation of Mauritania]. Project Integrated Biological Control of Grasshoppers and Locusts. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH.
*[http://www.vertigo.uqam.ca/vol7no2/art15vol7no2/anthelme_et_coll.html Fabien Anthelmea, Maman Waziri Matob, Dimitri de Boissieua, Franck Giazzi. (2006). DÉGRADATION DES RESSOURCES VÉGÉTALES AU CONTACT DES ACTIVITÉS HUMAINES ET PERSPECTIVES DE CONSERVATION DANS LE MASSIF DE L'AÏR (SAHARA, NIGER)]. VertigO . VOLUME 7, Numéro 2 , Art. 15.
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[[ar:ثمام منتفخ]]

Revision as of 06:19, 7 January 2012

Panicum turgidum
File:Panicum turgidum.jpg
Scientific classification
P. turgidum
Binomial name
Panicum turgidum

Panicum turgidum (Forssk.)[1] is an old world clumping desert bunchgrass of the Panicum genus.


It is common across the Sahara and Arabia, from Senegal to Pakistan, and known by the a number of common names, most widely as Taman, tuman, or thaman in Egypt and Arabia; merkba or markouba in Mauritaina and some Saharan Arabics; and afezu in Tamachek.[2] Other common names include guinchi (eastern Sahara) and du-ghasi (Somalia).[3]


Panicum turgidum is a perennial bunchgrass, growing in dense bushes up to 1 m-3 feet tall with roots at the nodes which are covered in hairs to which fine sand adheres creating a felty appearance.

It is drought- and salt-tolerant[4] and used for flour, fodder, thatch and erosion control.


In the Nigerien Sahara, tussocks of Panicum turgidum act as a nurse plants for tree regeneration. They have been shown facilitating the regeneration of Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana by protecting seedlings from drought and domestic herbivory. Accordingly, transplanting seedlings of Saharan trees inside Panicum’s tussocks may promote substantially reforestation in degraded areas on a long-term scale.[5]


Template:Panicum turgidum