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Scout Law

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Since the birth of Scouting in 1907, all Scouts and Guides around the world have taken a Scout Promise or oath to live up to ideals of the movement, and subscribed to a Scout Law. The wording of the promise and law have varied slightly over time and from Scouting organization to Scouting Organization.


The original Scout law, written by Lord Baden-Powell, appeared in 1908 and is as follows: [1]

  1. A Scout's honour is to be trusted
  2. A Scout is Loyal to the King and to his officers, and to his country, and to his employers.
  3. A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what social class the other belongs.
  5. A Scout is Courteous.
  6. A Scout is a friend to animals.
  7. A Scout obeys orders of his patrol leader or scout master without question.
  8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all circumstances.
  9. A Scout is thrifty.

In 1911, 8 was modified and 10 was added:

8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

Baden-Powell's commentary

The original Scout Law, together with Baden-Powell's commentary extracted from Young Knights of the Empire

  1. A SCOUT'S HONOUR IS TO BE TRUSTED. If a Scout says "On my honour it is so," that means it is so, just as if he had taken a most solemn oath. Similarly if a Scout officer says to a Scout, "I trust you on your honour to do this," the Scout is bound to carry out the order to the very best of his ability, and to let nothing interfere with his doing so. If a Scout were to break his honour by telling a lie, or by not carrying out an order exactly when trusted on his honour to do so, he may be directed to hand over his Scout badge and never wear it again. He may also be directed to cease to be a Scout.
  2. A SCOUT IS LOYAL to the King, and to his officers, and to his parents, his Country, his employers, and to those under his orders. He must stick to them through thick and thin against anyone who is their enemy or who even talks badly of them.
  3. A SCOUT'S DUTY IS TO BE USEFUL AND TO HELP OTHERS. And he is to do his duty before anything else, even though he gives up his own pleasure or comfort or safety to do it. When in difficulty to know which of two things to do, he must ask himself, "Which is my duty?" that is, "Which is best for other people?"--and do that one. He must Be Prepared at any time to save life or to help injured persons. And must try his best to do a good turn to somebody every day.
  4. A SCOUT IS A FRIEND TO ALL and a Brother to every other Scout, no matter to what social class the other belongs. If a Scout meets another Scout, even though a stranger to him, he must speak to him and help him in any way that he can, either to carry out the duty he is then doing, or by giving him food, or, so far as possible, anything that he may be in want of. A Scout must never be a snob. A snob is one who looks down upon another because he's poorer, or who is poor and resents another because he is rich. A Scout accepts the other man as he finds him and makes the best of him -- "Kim," the boy scout, was called by the Indians "Little friend of all the world," and that is the name which every Scout should earn for himself.
  5. A SCOUT IS COURTEOUS. A Scout should be polite to all--but especially to women and children, old people and invalids, cripples, etc. And he must not take any reward for being helpful or courteous.
  6. A SCOUT IS A FRIEND TO ANIMALS. He should save them, so far as possible, from pain, and should not kill any animal unnecessarily, even if it is only a fly, for it is one of God's creatures. Killing an animal for food, or an animal which is harmful, is allowable.
  7. A SCOUT OBEYS ORDERS of his parents, Patrol-leader, or Scoutmaster without question. Even if he gets an order which he does not like, a Scout must do AS soldiers AND SAILORS DO, or AS he would do if he got it FROM his CAPTAIN in a football match--he must carry it out all the same, because it is his duty; after he has done it he can come and state any reasons against it: but he must carry out the order at once. That is discipline.
  8. A SCOUT SMILES AND WHISTLES UNDER ALL DIFFICULTIES. When he gets an order, he should obey it cheerily and readily, not in a slow, hang-dog sort of way.
  9. A SCOUT IS THRIFTY. It is expected that a Scout will save every penny he can, and put it in the bank, so that he may have money to keep himself when out of work, and thus not make himself a burden to others; or that he may have money to give away to others when they need it.
  10. A SCOUT IS CLEAN IN THOUGHT, WORD AND DEED. Decent Scouts look down upon silly youths who talk dirt, and they do not let themselves give way to temptation, either to talk it or to do anything dirty. A Scout is pure, and clean-minded, and manly.

These were for the Scouts in Britain. As other groups started up Scouting organizations (often in other countries), each modified the laws (for instance 'loyal to the King' would be replaced by something appropriate for each country).


Scouts Australia

  1. A Scout is trustworthy
  2. A Scout is loyal
  3. A Scout is helpful
  4. A Scout is friendly
  5. A Scout is cheerful
  6. A Scout is considerate
  7. A Scout is thrifty
  8. A Scout is courageous
  9. A Scout is respectful
  10. A Scout cares for the environment

Guides Australia

  1. A Guide is loyal and can be trusted.
  2. A Guide is helpful.
  3. A Guide is polite and considerate.
  4. A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides.
  5. A Guide is kind to animals and respects all living things.
  6. A Guide is obedient.
  7. A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties.
  8. A Guide makes good use of her time.
  9. A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people.
  10. A Guide is self-controlled in all she thinks, says and does.


Scouts Canada

A Scout is
Helpful and trustworthy,
Kind and cheerful,
Considerate and clean,
And wise in the use of all resources.

Girl Guides of Canada/Guides du Canada

The Guiding Law challenges me to:

  1. be honest and trustworthy
  2. use my resources wisely
  3. respect myself and others
  4. recognize and use my talents and abilities
  5. protect our common environment
  6. live with courage and strength
  7. share in the sisterhood of Guiding.


  1. The Scout places his honor in being worthy of trust.
  2. The Scout is loyal.
  3. The Scout is useful and helps others, without thinking of compensation.
  4. The Scout is a friend to all and a brother to any Scout.
  5. The Scout is courteous and gentlemanly.
  6. The Scout loves Nature and protects animals and plants.
  7. The Scout smiles and sings in difficult times.
  8. The Scout is obedient.
  9. The Scout is thrifty.
  10. The Scout is clean and pure in thought, word and deed.

Czech Republic

  1. A Scout speaks the truth
  2. A Scout can be trusted and is loyal
  3. A Scout is useful to society and helps others
  4. A Scout is a friend to all people of good will and a brother/sister to all Scouts and Guides
  5. A Scout is courteous
  6. A Scout protects nature and valuable human products
  7. A Scout obeys his/her parents, superiors and Scout/Guide leaders
  8. A Scout is of cheerful mind
  9. A Scout is thrifty
  10. A Scout is pure in thought, word and deeds


  1. The Scout bases his honor on being trustworthy.
  2. The Scout is patriotic and loyal.
  3. The Scout is useful and helps others without thinking of a reward.
  4. The Scout is friend to everyone and brother to any Scout, without distinction of race, creed, social class, or nationality.
  5. The Scout is courteous and chivalrous.
  6. The Scout sees in nature the work of God; he protects animals and plants.
  7. The Scout is obedient and does things in order and completely.
  8. The Scout smiles and sings in his difficulties.
  9. The Scout is thrifty, a hard worker, and careful with others' goods.
  10. The Scout is clean and healthy, pure in thought, word, and deed.


  1. A Scout is upright and always tells the truth.
  2. A Scout does his/her duties to God, his/her Country and his/her fellow people.
  3. A Scout helps whenever he/she can.
  4. A Scout is a brother/sister to all Scouts.
  5. A Scout is gentle with others, but strict to him/herself.
  6. A Scout loves nature, is kind to animals and takes care of plants.
  7. A Scout obeys his superiors willingly and wholeheartedly
  8. A Scout is cheerful and considerate.
  9. A Scout is thrifty.
  10. A Scout is clean in body and soul


  1. A scout always tells the truth and does what he says.
  2. A scout is a trustworthy companion and a good friend.
  3. A scout is clean in thoughts, words, and deeds
  4. A scout is obedient
  5. A scout is cheerful
  6. A scout is helpful to everyone
  7. A scout is courteous
  8. A scout uses what he can and has
  9. A scout is thrifty and clean and shows respects to other people's belongings
  10. A scout loves the nature


  1. A Scout/Guide is Trustworthy
  2. A Scout/Guide is Loyal
  3. A Scout/Guide is a friend to all and a brother/sister to every other Scout/Guide.
  4. A Scout/Guide is courteous
  5. A Scout/Guide is a friend to animals and loves nature.
  6. A Scout/Guide is disciplined and helps protect public property.
  7. A Scout/Guide is courageous.
  8. A Scout/Guide is thrifty.
  9. A Scout/Guide is pure in though, word and deed.


A Scout explores the world together with others and tries to improve it.
He is honest, loyal and doesn't give up easily.
A Scout is efficient and sober,
takes good care for nature
and respects himself and others.


  1. A Scout is open to God and His word;
  2. A Scout accepts responsibility for him/herself and others;
  3. A Scout is helpful and considerate;
  4. A Scout is a good friend;
  5. A Scout is honest and trustworthy;
  6. A Scout knows and protects the Nature;
  7. A Scout thinks and acts independently, and tries to understand other people;
  8. A Scout does his/her best in difficulties and troubles;
  9. A Scout is thrifty;
  10. A Scout works for peace and understanding between people.


The Singapore Scout Association

  1. A Scout is to be trusted
  2. A Scout is loyal
  3. A Scout makes friends, establishes and maintain harmonious relations
  4. A Scout is disciplined and considerate
  5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.

Girl Guides Singapore

  1. A Guide is loyal and can be trusted
  2. A Guide is useful and helps others
  3. A Guide is polite, considerate and respects her elders
  4. A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
  5. A Guide is kind to all living things
  6. A Guide is obedient
  7. A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties
  8. A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people
  9. A Guide Is thrifty and diligent
  10. A Guide is self-disciplined in what she thinks, says and does

South Africa

  1. A Scout's honour is to be trusted
  2. A Scout is loyal
  3. A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout
  5. A Scout is courteous
  6. A Scout is a friend to animals
  7. A Scout obeys orders
  8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties
  9. A Scout is thrifty
  10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed


  1. A Scout is reverent to God and His word.
  2. A Scout is honest and trustworthy.
  3. A Scout is friendly and helpful.
  4. A scout is considerate and a good companion.
  5. A scout overcomes difficulties with humor.
  6. A Scout learns to know and protects the Nature.
  7. A Scout accepts responsibility for herself/himself and others.


  1. A scout is honest towards him/herself and the others
  2. A scout stands to his/her belief and respects the belief of others.
  3. A scout takes care of the nature and all living beings
  4. A scout helps wherever he/she can
  5. A scout is a good companion
  6. A scout keeps his/her self-control
  7. A scout can integrate him-/herself in the community
  8. A scout overcomes difficulties with humor
  9. A scout can renounce
  10. A scout is ready [willing] to take responsibility.

United Kingdom (UK)

The Scout Association

  1. A Scout is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal.
  3. A Scout is friendly and considerate.
  4. A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts.
  5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
  6. A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
  7. A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.

Girlguiding UK

  1. A Guide is honest, reliable and can be trusted.
  2. A Guide is helpful and uses her time and abilities wisely.
  3. A Guide faces challenge and learns from her experiences.
  4. A Guide is a good friend and a sister to all Guides.
  5. A Guide is polite and considerate.
  6. A Guide respects all living things and takes care of the world around her.

United States of America

Boy Scouts of America

A Scout is:
  1. trustworthy,
  2. loyal,
  3. helpful,
  4. friendly,
  5. courteous,
  6. kind,
  7. obedient,
  8. cheerful,
  9. thrifty,
  10. brave,
  11. clean, and
  12. reverent.

Girl Scouts of the USA

I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout


  1. ^ "The British Boy Scouts Pledge and Law an historical survey". Scout History Association. Retrieved 2006-05-22. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)