Äʹvv Skoltsamisches Museum

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Äʹvv Skoltsamisches Museum
Äʹvv Entrance, Skoltsamischen Museum in Neiden.jpg
Entrance area
place 9016 Neiden , Norway
architect Pir II Arkitektkontor AS, Trondheim
opening June 16, 2017
Number of visitors (annually) currently unknown
Siida Tana and Varanger

Äʹvv Skoltsamisches Museum ( Norwegian : Äʹvv Skoltesamisk museum, Skoltsamisch : Äʹvv Saaʹmi Muʹzei ) is the name of a cultural history museum about the Skoltsamen ethnic group in Neiden , in the municipality of Sør-Varanger ( Troms og Finnmark , Norway ). It was built between 2007 and 2009 and opened in 2017 after extensive repairs.

The word Äʹvv in the name is a Scoltsamian noun that describes the reflection of the sun on snow or water in spring.

History of the establishment

The first plans to build a museum about the Skoltsamen existed since the turn of the millennium. The museum was intended to complement the site of the originally Skolt-Sami town center of Neiden , Skoltebyen , which has been protected as a cultural heritage since 2000 . That is why the Norwegian Ministry of Culture commissioned the Statsbygg company in the mid-2000s to build an "East Sami Museum" in Neiden. This should help to strengthen the Scoltsamian culture and to preserve and disseminate knowledge of the past and present of this minority. Neiden is the main settlement of the Skolt seeds on Norwegian territory.

In 2007, the Norwegian Vice Minister for Labor and Social Inclusion, Bjarne Håkon Hanssen, laid the foundation stone for the construction of the museum building, which was completed in 2009. Soon after completion, however, major construction defects had to be found, especially the ventilation, the burglar protection and the fire protection of the house.

In 2010, the main supplier of the construction went bankrupt, so that the warranty could no longer apply and Statsbygg had to hire new companies to carry out the repairs. Finally, in 2013, extensive cracks and holes were discovered in the building's glass dome, which subsequently had to be covered in order to avoid consequential damage. The museum could only be opened as Äʹvv Skoltesamisk Museum after extensive repairs on June 16, 2017. The construction of the museum cost around 42 million kroner, i.e. the equivalent of 4.5 million euros. In the local media, it was often referred to as the "scandal museum" before it opened due to the structural damage.


Skoltsami's boat

The museum covers an area of ​​710 square meters. It comprises concentrically arranged exhibition rooms, a museum shop, a museum cafe and event rooms.

The museum's permanent exhibition deals with the history and culture of the Skolt Seed, a minority of around 1,000 people of Orthodox faith in Norway, Finland and Russia. There are currently around 300 scolt seeds living in Norway, but they no longer speak Scolt Sami. The museum in Neiden is the first and only museum in Norway that deals exclusively with the Skolt seeds.

3 sections deal with the past and present culture of the Skolt seeds:

  1. The Skolt Seed people with their unique culture and history.
  2. The land of the skolt seeds through the changing seasons with its most important natural resources.
  3. The world as a global reference point for the indigenous peoples.
Installation Språkminne

Artistic interventions in the entrance and café area of ​​the museum complement the permanent exhibition. At the front door of the building is the so-called. Omasum , a goat knob in the shape of a reindeer stomach made of brass. The object was created by the artist Geir Tore Holm and on the one hand symbolizes the importance of the reindeer for the life of the Sami, but is also, through the choice of brass, an appeal to the protective forces. A second, more conceptual artistic intervention called Språkminne (English: memory of the language) is located in the café area of ​​the museum and was created by the artist Espen Sommer Eide. It is an audio-visual installation and refers to the dying language of Skolt Sami by offering an archive of this language, which visitors can use and thereby assume symbolic responsibility for the survival of Skolt Sami.

In addition to the exhibitions, the Sami arts and crafts are to be promoted through workshops. Cooperation projects with Russia and Finland complement the museum's efforts to revitalize Scolt Sami in the three countries.

Installation of Portable Openings
Earrings from Ristikent at Lake Notosero

In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum space can be used for events and art interventions. From June 16, 2017 to November 29, 2017, a textile installation by the Sami artist Aslaug M. Juliussen entitled “Portable Openings” can be seen in a special exhibition in the foyer of the museum. This exhibition was curated by Hilde Methi.

The museum is also responsible for the maintenance of the nearby cultural heritage monument Skoltebyen .


Commons : Äʹvv  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Company Profile Statsbygg. Bloomberg, accessed October 9, 2017 .
  2. ^ Dan Robert Larsen, Nils John Porsanger: Skandalemuseet åpnes endelig etter åtte år. NRK, June 15, 2017, accessed October 9, 2017 (Norwegian).
  3. Yle Sapmi: Taking pride in Skoltsami Roots in Northern Norway again. The Independant Barents Observer, July 31, 2017, accessed October 17, 2017 .
  4. KOLT. Art in public Rome: Äʹvv Skolt Sámi Museum. Retrieved October 11, 2017 (Norwegian).