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Part of the Æðarfossar

Part of the Æðarfossar

Coordinates 65 ° 58 '57.4 "  N , 17 ° 24' 54.8"  W Coordinates: 65 ° 58 '57.4 "  N , 17 ° 24' 54.8"  W.
Æðarfossar (Iceland)
place Húsavík , Iceland
height 3 m
flow Laxá í AðaldalSkjálfandi Bay

The Æðarfossar are waterfalls in the north-west of Iceland .

The Laxá í Aðaldal forms the lake Mýrarvatn north of the Norðausturvegur S85 and then falls 3 meters deep over the Æðarfossar in several watercourses. The Laxá, the outflow from the Mývatn , has covered 56 km to this point and flows another 2 km into the Skjálfandi bay .

Translated from Icelandic , these are the eider waterfalls. Nearby is the Laxamyri farm, known for its Eiderdauen. The poet Jóhann Sigurjónsson was born here.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Aedarfossar (Æðarfossar, eider appropriate). Retrieved November 1, 2017 .
  2. ^ Iceland Road Guide, 1988, p. 306.
  3. ^ Jóhann Sigurjónsson, Icelandic writer. Retrieved November 1, 2017 .