Shank-head needle

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Shank-headed needles , also known as Aunjetitz needles , are clothes needles. They are a key form of the Early Bronze Age Aunjetitz culture , but also occur in other areas. They occur mainly in Bohemia, but are common in the central Saale region. The mostly conical nail-shaped head has an attached eyelet. The needle is often curved in the shape of a saber, the shaft can be decorated. The material was mostly bronze , more rarely gold , as in the Leubinger Hügel . They were used to fasten clothes. An undecorated shank-headed needle comes from a grave in Schiepzig , the upper end of which is coated with a putty-like compound; it may have been reused as a tool.


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Individual evidence

  1. Andrea Moser, Aunjetitz grave with bronzes from Schiepzig, Ldkr. Saalekreis. State Museum for Prehistory Halle, Find of the Month, July 2008.
  2. Andrea Moser, Aunjetitz grave with bronzes from Schiepzig, Ldkr. Saalekreis. State Museum for Prehistory Halle, Find of the Month, July 2008.