Austrian Society for Graphology and Font Expertise

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The Austrian Society for Graphology and Font Expertise (ÖGS) is the Austrian professional association of certified graphologists .


The professional practice of graphologists in Austria is not tied to any certificate of proficiency . The audited members of the society refer to a well-founded training and ongoing training in the context of monthly jour fixes and annual seminars to ensure the level of the expert opinion.

Since 2001 the society has been a member of the European Society for Writing Psychology and Writing Expertise eV (EGS) based in Zurich .

Individual members of the society are court-sworn experts for examination of documents and writing .


The professional association founded by Walter Muckenschnabel in 1978 is headed by Elisabeth Charkow , whose deputy is Marianne Nürnberger . Honorary President is Walter Brandner , who previously held the position of President.


  • List of authors and articles in the specialist journal ZfM / ZfS Zeitschrift für Menschenkunde or from 2000 Zeitschrift für Schriftpsychologie und Schriftvergleichung, Verlag Braumüller Wien, from 1953 until the magazine was discontinued at the end of 2000, editors Herbert Hönel, Urs Imoberdorf, Angelika Seibt PDF
  • List of authors and articles in the specialist journal AGP Applied Graphology and Personality Diagnostics from 1986 to 2008, Bundesverband Geprüfter Graphologen / Psychologen eV, Editor Helmut Ploog, Munich PDF

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