Ústav sociálně politických věd UK

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The Czechoslovak Ústav sociálně politických věd UK (Institute of Socio- Political Sciences at Charles University , Prague) was intended to deepen the theoretical knowledge and ideological qualifications of university teachers in Marxist philosophy, political economy and the history of the labor movement. The institute was dissolved in 1969 because of so-called "right-wing opportunistic deviations".


The Ústav sociálně politických věd UK (Institute of Socio -Political Sciences of Charles University) was founded in December 1957 as Ústav pro výuku a vědeckou práci kateder marxismu-leninismu (Institute for the teaching and scientific work of the chairs of Marxism-Leninism). It was intended to deepen the theoretical knowledge as well as the ideological qualification of university teachers for Marxist philosophy, political economy and the history of the labor movement. On January 1, 1960, the institute was subordinated to Charles University and was named Ústav sociálně politických věd UK , until it was renamed Ústav marxismu-leninismu pro vysoké školy UK (Institute for Marxism-Leninism of Charles University for Universities) in 1964, which in 1967 on Ústav sociálně politických věd UK (Institute for Socio-Political Sciences of Charles University) was changed back. The institute was dissolved in 1969 because of so-called "right-wing opportunistic deviations".

After the collapse of the regime in 1989, under the leadership of the sociologist Josef Alan , an attempt was made to revitalize the institute between 1990 and 1993. However, due to a lack of financial resources, this failed, and in 1993 it was merged with the Chair of Sociology and Social Policy to form the Institute sociologických studií (ISS) of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University.


The institute was subordinate to the Ministry of Education. Miloš Kaláb became its first director. On January 1, 1960, the institute was transferred to Charles University, and it soon took over the publication of the journal Přehled vědecké a pedagogické práce kateder marxismu-leninismu (1961) and later also Vědecké informace Ústavu marxismu-leninismu pro vysoké školy (1965). Kaláb only headed the institute until 1962, after which Pavel Machonin was commissioned with the management and was only appointed director in 1967. Under Machonin's direction, the focus of the work was clearly placed on sociology.

The most important project of the institute was the research of the social stratification and mobility of the Czechoslovak society, which was conceived by Pavel Machonin , Bohumil Jungmann , Jiří Linhart , Miloslav Petrusek and Zdeněk Šafář . The results of the first and for a long time the only Czechoslovak stratification research were sufficient to be published ( Československá společnost . Bratislava 1969) and gained considerable international recognition - and ultimately led to the party being convicted and the institute to be dissolved for deviations from the law and revisionism. Numerous employees were no longer allowed to work in the field of sociology.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Zdeněk R. Nešpor: Ústav sociálně politických věd UK (1957–1969) , keyword in the Sociologická encyklopedie (Sociological Encyclopedia), ed. from Sociologický ústav AV ČR (Sociological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), online at: encyklopedie.soc.cas.cz / ...
  2. O Institutu , brief self- description of the institute Institut sociologických studií , online at: iss.fsv.cuni.cz / ...