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The Helgafell

The Þórsnes thing was a regional thing in Iceland . The district thing was held in Þórsnes on the Snæfellsnes peninsula .

The thing was founded by Þórólv Mostring . Þórólv had emigrated from Norway to Iceland in 884 and settled at Breiðafjörður . He named the country as a great admirer of the god Thor Þórsnes (= Thor's headland). He named one of the mountains there Helgafell ( Holy Mountain ) and designated it as the Thingplatz. The Øyrbyggja saga from the beginning of the 13th century reports on these events .

Icelander sagas

Legal disputes on this thing are narrated in Icelandic sagas . Illugi Svarti's quarrel with Þorgrimm Kjallksson and his sons in the saga of Gunnlaug Wormtongue and in the saga of the people of Eyr is narrated.

See also


  • Knut Robberstad: Mostratinget 1024 og Sankt Olavs Kristenrett . Reprint of a lecture in Moster on July 28, 1974.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Klaus Böldl , Andreas Vollmer, Julia Zernack (Eds.): Isländer Sagas 1 , Frankfurt 2011, S. Fischer, ISBN 978-3-10-007622-9 , notes on page 830, point 5
  2. Klaus Böldl, Andreas Vollmer, Julia Zernack (Eds.): Isländer Sagas 1 , Frankfurt 2011, S. Fischer, ISBN 978-3-10-007622-9 , notes on page 830, point 5

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