Ōuchi Hyōei

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Ōuchi Hyōei

Ōuchi Hyōei ( Japanese 大 内 兵衛 ; born August 29, 1888 in Takada (高 田村), Mihara District (三原 郡) ( Hyōgo Prefecture ); died May 1, 1980 ) was a Japanese economist and Marxist, professor at Tokyo University and President of Hōsei University .

life and work

Ōuchi Hyōei studied economics at the University of Tokyo. After working for the Treasury Department, he worked in the University of Tokyo School of Economics. In 1920 he was involved in the Morito incident, from 1921 to 1923 he continued his education in Germany, deepening his knowledge of Marxist economic ideas.

In 1938 he left the University of Tokyo after the government caused him difficulties. After the Pacific War he was able to return to university. In 1949 he went into retirement and then worked until 1959, Ōuchi was president of the private Hōsei University.

Ōuchi served as chairman of the government statistics council (内閣 統計 委員会, Naikaku Tōkei Iinkai) and the advisory body on social security issues (社会 保障 審議 会, Shakai Hoshō-Shingikai). With Yamakawa Hitoshi (1880-1958) and Sakisaka Itsurō (1897-1985) he founded "Socialist Association" (社会主義 協会; Shakaishugi Kyōkai). He was the leading figure in the left wing of the Socialist Party of Japan .

Denuchi's most important writings include "Zaiseigaku taikō" (財政 学 大綱) - "Principles of the public budget", which appeared in two volumes in 1930 and 1931, and "Nihon Infurēshon no Kenkyū" (日本 イ ン フ レ - シ ョ の 研究) , 1946 - "A Study of Inflation in Japan". From 1974 to 1975 a complete edition of his writings (大 内 兵衛 著作 集), 12 volumes, was published by Iwanami-Verlag .


  1. Morito Tatsuo (森 戸 辰 男 1888–1984), assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics, had published an article in January 1920 about the Russian radical Kropotkin , which provoked the displeasure of the government. He and Ōuchi, editor of the magazine, were sentenced to (short) prison terms.


  • S. Noma (Ed.): Ōuchi Hyōei . In: Japan. An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Kodansha, 1993, ISBN 4-06-205938-X , p. 1174.