Hōsei University

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Boissonade Tower (ichigaya)

The Hōsei University ( Japanese 法政 大学 , Hōsei Daigaku , dt. About: "University of Law and State") is a private university based in Tōkyō .


The Hōsei University was founded in 1903 from the "Tōkyō School of Law" (東京 法学 社 、 Tōkyō hōgaku-sha), the first private law school in Japan, and the French school "Tōkyō Futsugaku-kō" (東京 仏 学校). The following were involved in the establishment: Gustave Boissonade , Tomii Masaakira and Ume Kenjirō , the father of the Japanese civil code. In 1920 it was recognized as a private university.

The university maintains the faculties of law, humanities, economics, social sciences, engineering and business administration. It uses three sites: the Ichigaya campus as the main campus in Chiyoda , the Tama campus in Machida and the Koganei campus in Koganei .

The university is known for the "Institute of Okinawan Culture" (沖 縄 文化 研究所 Okinawa bunka kenkyūjo) founded in 1972, the "Nogami Memorial Noh-Play Research Center" (野 上 記念 法政 大学 能 楽 研究所, Nogami kinen Hōsei daigaku nōgaku kenkyūjo) , 1977 the “Boissonade Institute for Modern Law” (ボ ア ソ ナ ー ド 記念 現代 法 研究所, Boissonade kinen gendai-hō kenkyūjo) and the “Ōhara Institute for Social Research” (大 原 社会 問題 研究所, Ōhara shakai mondai kenkyūjo).

In 1989, 17,227 students were enrolled. The university also has a middle school and a high school.

Hōsei University is one of the six universities in Tokyo that meet annually for a baseball tournament.

Well-known graduates

Artists and athletes:

See also


  • S. Noma (Ed.): Hōsei University . In: Japan. An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Kodansha, 1993. ISBN 4-06-205938-X , p. 566.

Web links

Commons : Hōsei University  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 35 ° 41 ′ 44.3 "  N , 139 ° 44 ′ 26.4"  E