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Ślusarz (also Slosarz, Slossar, Slósarz, Slusarz, Szlosarz, Szlósarz, Ślosarz and Ślósarz) is a Polish family name .

Origin and meaning

The name Ślusarz is a loan word and comes from the Middle High German word sloʒʒer (locksmith), “craftsman who makes locks, keys, door and window fittings, small machine parts, etc.; Worker in a locksmith's shop ”.

Variants and Distribution

The surname Ślusarz and its variants is a rare surname that is distributed all over Poland. The number after the variant indicates the number of people with the respective family name based on the PESEL database from 2002.

  • Ślusarz (2448)
  • Ślósarz (256)
  • Slusarz (36)
  • Ślosarz (24)
  • Slósarz (13)
  • Slosarz (2)
  • Glossary (0)
  • Szlosarz (0)
  • Szlósarz (0)

Name bearer

Individual evidence

  1. Andrzej de Vincenz , Gerd Hentschel : Ślusarz . In: Dictionary of German loanwords in the Polish written and standard language . From the beginnings of Polish literature to the middle of the 20th century (=  Studia Slavica Oldenburgensia . Volume 20 ). BIS-Verlag, Oldenburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-8142-2208-0 ( uni-oldenburg.de [PDF; 68 kB ; accessed on June 23, 2019]).
  2. Nazwiska polskie. Rozkład występowania nazwisk w powiatach. Retrieved June 23, 2019 (Polish, the data are from the publication: Kazimierz Rymut , Słownik nazwisk używanych w Polsce na początku XXI wieku , based on the PESEL database from 2002).