ʿAshara Mubashshara

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The ʿAshara Mubashshara ( Arabic العشرة المبشرة, DMG al-ʿAšara al-mubaššara ) are a group of ten companions of the Prophet Mohammed , to whom, according to Sunni doctrine, he promised paradise . The expression is shortened for al-ʿAšara al-mubaššarūn bi-l-ǧanna ("the ten to whom paradise was promised").

The basis for the idea of ​​this group is a well-known hadith, which, among others, is narrated by Muhammad ibn ʿĪsā at-Tirmidhī . It reads:

Mohammed with his ten companions

«The Prophet said:
Abū Bakr (Allah may admit him) is in paradise,
ʿUmar (Allah may admit him) is in paradise,
ʿUthmān (Allah may admit him) is in paradise,
ʿAlī (Allah may admit him) is in paradise ,
Talha (Allah let him in) is in paradise,
Zubair (Allah let him in) is in paradise,
ʿAbd ar-Rahmān ibn ʿ Auf (Allah let him in) is in paradise,
Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (Allah let him in) is in paradise,
Saʿīd ibn Zaid (Allah may let him in) is in paradise,
Abū ūUbaida ibn al-Jarrah (Allah may let him in) is in paradise ».

In the hadith the ten Companions are listed in this order:

Surname arab. Spelling Birth (bra)    Death (AH)   Birth (ad)    Death (ad)   
Abū Bakr Arabic أبو بكر الصدّيق 51 13 573 634
ʿUmar ibn al-Chattāb Arabic عمر بن الخطّاب 40 23 584 644
ʿUthmān ibn ʿAffān Arabic عثمان بن عفّان 47 35 577 656
ʿAlī ibn Abī Tālib Arabic علي بن أﺑﻲ طالب 23 40 600 661
Talha ibn Ubayd Allah Arabic طلحة بن عبيد الله 28 36 596 656
az-Zubair ibn al-ʿAuwām Arabic الزبير بن العوّام 28 36 596 656
ʿAbd ar-Rahmān ibn ʿ Auf Arabic عبد الرحمن بن عوف 43 31 580 654
Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās Arabic سعد بن أبي وقّاص 23 55 600 675
Abū ʿUbaida ibn al-Jarrāh Arabic أبو عبيدة بن الجراح 40 18th 584 640
Saʿīd ibn Zaid Arabic سعيد بن زيد ? 51 ? 672

The first four people on the list are referred to by the Sunnis as the Rashidun , the rightly guided caliphs. The doctrine of the promise of paradise to the ten companions of the prophet has found its way into almost all Sunni creeds .


Individual evidence

  1. salafidunord.com
  2. ^ Sunni word press