14-24 Castle Street (Dumfries)

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A number of residential buildings are located at 14-24 Castle Street in the Scottish city ​​of Dumfries in the Council Area Dumfries and Galloway . In 1961 they were included as a single work in the Scottish monument lists in the highest monument category A. Furthermore, together with various surrounding structures, they form a category A monument ensemble.


Architecturally, the street has similarities with Forth Street in Edinburgh . As in this one, the buildings were likely designed by Scottish architect Robert Burn in 1806. Most of them, however, were probably not built until after Burns' death in 1815. A map from 1819 shows all the buildings.


The house numbers 14 to 22 are largely identical. It is a two-story building with a loft, which is a closed construction along the north side of Castle Street. With the exception of house number 24, which is five axes wide, the south-west facing fronts are three axes wide. The entrance doors are on the left (at number 24 in the middle) and are accessible via short front stairs with cast iron railings. The entrances are equipped with round arches and semicircular fighters windows designed. The original, ornamented windows are still preserved on houses number 16 and 22. Flanking pilasters have simple cornices . A simple cornice runs along the plastered facade . Polygonal dormers protrude from the slate-covered gable roofs on two houses .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Listed Building - Entry . In: Historic Scotland .

Web links

Coordinates: 55 ° 4 ′ 14.2 "  N , 3 ° 36 ′ 47.5"  W.