152 mm M1877

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The 152 mm M1877 is a gun of Tsarist Russia .


152mm M1877 gun

The gun was the oldest gun of the Tsarist Russian army and at the same time one of the oldest guns that took part in the First World War . It was originally designed as a siege gun and was out of date by the beginning of the war. However, at that time Russia did not have enough medium and heavy artillery . Thus they were hastily sent to the front and thrown into battle. Most of the guns were lost during the hasty advances and retreats of 1915-16.


Since the gun was developed as a siege weapon, it needed a base plate to fire. This made the construction very difficult. A hydraulic brake cylinder connected the weapon and the base plate and absorbed the recoil that occurred when it was fired. Without this cylinder the weapon would have been uncontrollable when fired.

For transport, the end of the mount was simply placed on a cart and fastened. The gun was moved in one piece.

Technical specifications

  • Caliber: 152 mm
  • Weight: 4,880 kg / 6,660 kg including base plate and brake cylinder
  • Elevation range: −16 ° to + 38 °
  • Muzzle velocity: 463 m / sec
  • Maximum range: 7,800 m


Web links

Commons : M1877  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files