4 glasses sample

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The 4-glasses sample is a method for diagnosing chronic prostatitis . Although it is an essential element of prostatitis diagnosis, it is rarely used because it is complex and therefore relatively expensive. In practice, prostatitis diagnoses are mostly based only on urine or ejaculate examinations .


The following four samples are taken:

1st urine - the first 10 ml of voided bladder (VB1)

2. Midstream urine - voided bladder - VB2

→ Now a prostate massage takes place

3. Prostate expression (EPS)

4. Urine after prostate massage (voided bladder - VB3)


The presence of uropathogenic bacteria or leukocytes in the urine sample VB1 suggests urethritis .

Uropathogenic bacteria in the urine sample VB2 indicate cystitis .

If the urine cultures (VB1 + VB2) have negative or VB1, and VB3 a comparable number of uro -pathogenic bacteria and the EPS is positive, is of a chronic assumed bacterial prostatitis.
