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Fragment 20
God's name ΙΑΩ

4Q120 (also 4QpapLXX Lev b ; No. 802 according to Rahlfs ) is the name for a manuscript from the book Leviticus in Greek translation . According to the paleographic analysis , the manuscript probably dates from the 1st century BC. BC and is one of the oldest known evidence of the Septuagint version.

A total of 97 papyrus fragments have been preserved. 31 of them can be deciphered and assigned. They contain parts from Lev 1.11 to 5.25. The remaining fragments are too small to allow reliable identification.

A special feature is the rendering of the name of God JHWH in Greek letters as ΙΑΩ (Fragm. 6 - Lev. 3,12 and Fragm. 20 - Lev. 4,27) instead of the usual rendering of κύριος in later Christian Septuagint manuscripts . This writing is highlighted in the manuscript by spaces , while scriptio continua is used elsewhere .

Spaces are also occasionally used to separate units of meaning or sentence. A separate character (⌐) for a paragraph separation can be found on fragment 27 between lines 6 and 7. At this point, according to the widespread division, the verses 5.20-26 begin, but according to the Greek and Latin tradition, the incision marks the transition from Chapter 5 to 6.

The manuscript also contains some of its own text-critical variants of the Septuagint text.

The fragments were found in Qumran on the Dead Sea in Israel and are now in the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem .

See also


  • Patrick W. Skehan: The Qumran Manuscripts and Textual Criticism, in: Volume du congrès, Strasbourg 1956 (= Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 4). Leiden: Brill 1957, pp. 148-160.
  • Eugene Ulrich: 120. pap4QLXXLeviticus b , in: Discoveries in the Judaean Desert : IX. Qumran Cave 4: IV. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1992, pp. 167-186, panels XXXIX-XLI. ISBN 0-19-826328-7 .
  • Eugen Ulrich: The Septuagint Manuscripts from Qumran: A Reappraisal of Their Value, in: George J. Brooke, Barnabas Lindars (Ed.): Septuagint, Scrolls, and Cognate Writings (= SBL Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series 33). Atlanta: Scholars Press 1992, pp. 49-80.