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Box of spaces from Nela

The space ( Latin for "space", Pl .: Space ) or the parting line is a non-printing blind material in lead type in typography and enables the spacing of words and characters in hand typesetting .

The space in lead type

Spaces are one and a half points thick and are usually made of lead , one-point strength also of copper , half- point strength of brass and quarter- point strength of nickel silver .

In addition to the narrow metal strip with which the space is created, "space" also refers to the space itself, for example in the case of staff lines.

The space in computer-aided typesetting

With the transition to computer-aided typesetting, the narrow space or an eighth square is used for some of the purposes of the space ; the rules described there come from the traditional use of the space. The other uses are margin adjustment and locking .

Other meanings

In the bibliographical record, “space” denotes a space . It is used to distinguish separators in the recording from normal punctuation marks.

In telephony - in the case of pulse dialing using a rotary dial - the pause between the digits dialed is called a space; it is at least 200 ms, i.e. the time of two pulses.

See also


Web links

Wiktionary: Spatium  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations