ACT Performance Festival

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The ACT Performance Festival of the Swiss art academies is a performance art festival which is exclusively dedicated to student work. The festival tours Switzerland every spring. In 2019 the ACT took place in Bern, Geneva, Lucerne, Sierre, Zurich and Basel.


The ACT project was launched jointly in 2003 by the art academies of Aarau, Basel, Bern and Zurich.


The ACT Festival focuses entirely on performance work by students from the participating art schools. Above all, individual performances are shown, as well as performance videos, acoustic interventions and interactive and performative installations.

Participating art schools

Since 2003

Since 2004

Since 2011

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c ACT. Retrieved May 20, 2019 .
  2. ACT Performance Festival of the Swiss art academies. Retrieved May 20, 2019 .
  3. ACT Performance Festival of the Swiss art academies. Retrieved May 20, 2019 .