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AEGRAFLEX ("Association Européenne des Graveurs et des Flexographes", German: European Association of Engravers and Flexographers) is the European umbrella organization for the engraving and flexography industry .

The association was founded in 1966 by a small group of engravers and flexographers from different countries with the aim of exchanging professional experience and knowledge in the field of engraving and flexography, establishing close cooperation between engravers and flexographers and their suppliers, and generally engraving and flexography and to promote stamp production in Europe. AEGRAFLEX has been officially registered in the Amsterdam Commercial Register (Kamer van Koophandel) as a non-profit organization since 1975 .

The association is the namesake and sponsor of the “GraFlex” exhibition for engravers and flexographers, which takes place every two years.

Members are, on the one hand, the engraving and flexographers' associations from various European countries and individual members throughout Europe. Engraving and flexography companies can become members in any member state of the European Union. Companies in countries outside Europe can join AEGRAFLEX as guest members.


The association is a member of the European Movement Germany network .

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