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The 3D-CAD working group (short: ARGE-3D ) is a federal working group of HTL teachers that deals with the topics of construction, CAD and CAx at higher technical institutes and technical schools.

Historical development of ARGE-3D

The working group was founded by the then Austrian Federal Ministry of Science in 1996. The working group was initiated by Werner Timischl and Christian Dorninger. The founding order was the introduction of 3D-CAD at the Austrian HTLs and the development of common didactic basics for teaching with 3D-CAD in the field of construction training. Wolfgang Pachatz has been the contact person for the 3D CAD working group in the Federal Ministry of Education and Women since 2007. The working group currently includes around 70 teachers from 38 HTLs across Austria.

Head of the federal working group

  • 1996 to 2006 Wolfgang Trauner, former teacher for mechanical engineering at the HTL Vienna 10
  • 2006 to 2012 Franz Cibej, teacher for mechanical engineering at the HTL Linz 2 ( Linz technical center )
  • since 2012 Andreas Probst, teacher for mechanical engineering at the HTL Ried and at the HTL Linz 2 (Linz technical center)

Working topics of ARGE 3D-CAD

  • Participation in the development of the educational standards of the technical colleges
  • Implementation of an annual networking and work meeting of the ARGE members from the various HTLs
  • Implementation of an annual Austria-wide construction competition
  • Research-educational cooperation between the Austrian technical universities and the HTLs
  • Planning and implementation of training courses in the field of CAD and construction
  • Cooperation with the DiFAG working group within the GEKO-BAG
  • Support of the Austrian Federal Procurement GmbH in license negotiations for CAD software

Young Austrian Engineers Contest

A joint design competition, the Young Austrian Engineers Contest , has been held for all Austrian mechanical engineering and mechatronics HTLs since 2010 . All pupils at an HTL or a technical college with a construction from the current school year are eligible to participate. After the projects have been submitted electronically, they are assessed by a jury of HTL teachers and rated according to previously published criteria. The award winners of the award-winning projects will be presented with the certificates and prizes at a public award ceremony.

Research activities

Since 2008, the two research projects BLUME and PDM-UP have been carried out with the Institute for Construction Science and Technical Logistics at the Vienna University of Technology as part of the Sparkling Science Program of the Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy. In the 2014/15 school year, a new project focusing on systems engineering was started together with the Vienna University of Technology as a Sparkling Science project.

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