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Classification according to ICD-10
H35.0 Retinopathies of the fundus and changes in the retinal vessels
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

AZOOR ( A cute z onal o ccult o uter r etinopathy / Acute zonal occult external retinopathy) is a disease of the outer layers of the retina , which in the acute stage typically leads to visual field defects and photopsies . It belongs to the group of white dot syndromes . The symptoms improve in most patients within a period of a few years; there is no known definitive therapy.

AZOOR mainly affects younger women. The exact cause of the disease is unclear; autoimmune mechanisms or infections are discussed as possible reasons. The disease is rare, with fewer than 200 documented cases worldwide. A variant of AZOOR is AIBSE (acute idiopathic blind spot enlargement).

Sources and web links

Individual evidence

  1. Springer Link: AZOOR (Acute zonal occult outer ("outer") retinopathy)