A piacere (music)

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A piacere (also a piacimento is Italian speak a piatschere, a piatschiménto: at pleasure , to taste ) is a manual in the music . The musical term a piacere for "free in the performance" (for example as a free tempo) means that the player is given the freedom to perform the relevant (mostly cadenza-like ) passages as he likes or as he likes. Typically this affects the tempo and rubato in a particular passage.

See also: ad libitum

Individual evidence

  1. Wieland Ziegenrücker: General music theory with questions and tasks for self-control. German Publishing House for Music, Leipzig 1977; Paperback edition: Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, and Musikverlag B. Schott's Sons, Mainz 1979, ISBN 3-442-33003-3 , pp. 55 and 193.