Aaliyah (first name)

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Aaliyah (also: Aaliya ) is a female given name and a subsidiary form of Aliya .

Aliya with the emphasis on the letter i (also: Aliyah , Aaliyah , Alija ) is of Arabic origin ( Arabic عالية, DMG ʿĀlīya ) and has the meaning "the high, sublime, excellent". The Turkish form is Aliye.

Aliya with the emphasis on the back a (also: Aliyyah ) is of neo-Hebrew origin and means (neo-Hebrew 'aliya) "ascent, going up to read the Torah, pilgrimage, pilgrimage to Jerusalem ", in a figurative sense: "immigration to Israel" .

Well-known name bearer

  • Aaliyah (1979–2001), American contemporary R&B singer and actress
  • Aaliyah Love (* 1981/1985), American porn actress

See also

Individual evidence

  1. www.baby-vornamen.de
  2. ^ The large first name dictionary, Duden, 2007, ISBN 978-3-411-06083-2