Carrion hunter

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A Aasjäger is Jägersprache someone who has the hunting operates unwaidmännisch or even illegal and not accordingly to the hunting rights , the conventions of Waidgerechtigkeit , or the animal welfare holds. The carrion hunters are particularly those who hunt and try to kill everything without distinction that comes before the shotgun , including mother animals that are carrying.

In addition, carrion hunters include those who recklessly shoot the game with insufficient ammunition or weapons, do not hit fatally and then do not carry out any search , so that the animal only perishes after a long time and then becomes carrion .


See also

Individual evidence

  1. Haseder p. 9
  2. ^ Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Volume 1. Leipzig 1905, p. 10.
  3. Carrion hunters . In: Heinrich August Pierer , Julius Löbe (Hrsg.): Universal Lexicon of the Present and the Past . 4th edition. tape 1 . Altenburg 1857, p. 10 ( ).

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