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Abanico ( Spanish for " fan ", also Abaniko ) is a striking technique with a blunt or sharp weapon that is used in the Filipino martial arts such as Arnis . It is a quick rotation of the forearm around its longitudinal axis, similar to the movement used to create a draft with a fan. If the abanico is performed with a bladed weapon, the broad side of the blade hits the target.

If the Abanico's forearm rotation is combined with an arm movement, the weapon moves in a three-dimensional curve (as opposed to the one-dimensional stab and the two-dimensional punch), which makes defending this technique difficult. On the other hand, the impact force is significantly less than that of an impact. Therefore, Abanicos are mainly used to irritate the opponent or to prepare for an effective hit.

See also

In tango dancing, it describes a sequence of steps in which the image of a fan is traced with the feet.


  • Werner Lind : The dictionary of martial arts. China, Japan, Okinawa, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, India, Mongolia, Philippines, Taiwan, etc. ( Edition BSK ). Sport Verlag, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-328-00838-1 .
  • Dan Inosanto : The Filipino Martial Arts. Know Now Publishing Company, Los Angeles CA 1980, ISBN 0-938676-01-6 .
  • Antonio Somera: Secrets of Giron Arnis Escrima. Tuttle Publishing, Tokyo / Rutland / Singapore 1998, ISBN 1-4629-1696-1 , p. 19 ( limited preview in Google book search).