Burning down (cooking)

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Under burning means the gelatinized starch in heated liquids while cooking. In particular, the term denotes the boiling of flammeris or the boiling of the starch in the production of a fire compound .

The starch used to bind the liquids used takes some time to completely gelatinize. The mass must be kept in constant motion, conveniently with a wooden spatula . When the mass comes off the spatula and a white coating appears on the bottom of the pot, the moment of complete gelatinization has been reached and it should be poured into a cold container immediately.

With Flammeri you can recognize this moment by the hissing noise when stirring the mass.

On the other hand, one speaks of branding when the starch is broken down into dextrin with heated fat . Austrian cuisine understands roux to be a rind .


  • Caroline Otto: Pocket Dictionary of Culinary Art, Leipzig and Naumburg: Franke 1832, p. 3