Abderrahim Tounsi

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Abderrahim Tounsi alias "Aberraouf" (* 1936 in Casablanca ) is a Moroccan humorist.

life and career

Born in Casablanca, Tounsi first attended a Koran school in the old town of Casablanca , which was reserved exclusively for important personalities and dignitaries . He shared the school desk with politicians like the late Maati Bouabid and Abdellatif Semali . Despite outstanding achievements, Abderrahim Tounsi had to end his studies early in order to take a job and support his father financially.

The early fifties were under the influence of National Socialism . Because of his efforts to achieve freedom and independence, he was arrested and first taken to the central police station and then transferred to the civil prison. There he discovered his passion for the theater when he was supposed to take on the role of a farm boy. Since he was increasingly dissatisfied with the banal roles, he developed the figure of the fool "Abderraouf", following the example of his former classmate Abdelghafor, who embodied the idiot par excellence through his demeanor. The hallmark of this character is the ability to wear down the interlocutor in the shortest possible time through stupidity and ignorance. Abderrahim Tounsi's breakthrough came through an appearance on a TV station, which immediately became a huge success.


After more than 25 years of stage presence, Abderrahim gradually withdrew from show business in the 1990s.

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