Abiskojaure (refuge)

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Coordinates: 68 ° 17 ′ 10 ″  N , 18 ° 35 ′ 27 ″  E

Map: Sweden

Abiskojaure is a hiking hut owned by Svenska Turistföreningen . It is located on the south bank of the lake of the same name at an altitude of 490 meters. There are a total of 53 beds, spread over two houses. During the season from mid-February to early May and from early June to mid-September, the hut is managed by a hut keeper. Outside of this time only one security room is open. There is a sale of provisions during the season.

Abiskojaure is located on the Kungsleden and Nordkalottleden , which run together here. The distances are 15 kilometers to Abisko , 20 kilometers to Alesjaure (both on the Kungs- and Nordkalottleden) and 24 kilometers to Unna Allakas .

Abiskojaure is one of only three places within the Abisko National Park where camping is allowed.

The occurrence of silver arum (Dryas octopetala) in the vicinity of the hiking hut indicates calcareous soil.

To the south of Abiskojaure there are bunker remains from the Second World War.


  • Mountain map BD6, Abisko- Kebnekaise- Narvik, December 2006
  • Svenska Turistföreningen: Vårt fjällboende 2007
  • Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län: Abisko Turtips, page: 111-116 Stockholm 2003

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