Cooling size

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The cooling quantity is a bioclimatological measure for the cooling effect of wind, air temperature, humidity and solar radiation on a warm body, related to the human body temperature (37 ° C).


The amount of cooling indicates the amount of heat or energy (in joules) that is released or absorbed by one square centimeter of the body surface per second. The amount is a measure of the bioclimatic stimulus strength. To measure the serve Katathermometer or Frigorimeter .

According to Victor Conrad , the following climate types are distinguished:

  • Air cooling:> 40 mg · cal · cm -2 · s -1
  • attractive climate: 30–40
  • mild climate: 20–30
  • Gentle climate: 10–20
  • Overheating climate: <10

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Sauberer: Weather, Climate and Life. Hollinek, 1948, p. 79 ( limited preview in Google book search).


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