Abraham Klein (physicist)

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Abraham Klein (born January 10, 1927 in Brooklyn , † January 20, 2003 ) was an American theoretical physicist.

Klein studied at Brooklyn College (bachelor's degree in 1947) and at Harvard University , where he made his master's degree in 1948 and received his doctorate in 1950 with Julian Schwinger . In 1955 he became an associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania , where he received a full professorship in 1958 and retired in 1994.

Klein investigated models of collective behavior in finite many-body systems, especially in nuclear physics, for example in boson models and in an extension of the Hartree-Fock method with Robert Kerman (Kerman-Klein method). In the 1980s, among other things, he dealt with the interacting boson Model and in the 1970s with quantum field theory in strong fields (with Johann Rafelski ).

In the early 1950s he was Schwinger's assistant in early calculations of quantum electrodynamics in atomic physics, in collaboration with Schwinger and Robert Karplus , also an assistant at Schwinger.

He was a Sloan Research Fellow and Guggenheim Fellow, an honorary doctorate from the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist. Klein was a fellow of the American Physical Society .

He was married and had two daughters.


  • Michel Vallières, Da Hsuan Feng (editor): Symposium on contemporary physics- celebrating the 65th birthday of Abraham Klein . Drexel University 1991, World Scientific 1993

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Individual evidence

  1. Generalized Hartree-Fock Approximation for the Calculation of Collective States of a Finite Many-Particle System, Physical Review Vol. 132, 1963, p. 1326, Collective motion in finite many particle states II, Physical Review, Vol. 138, 1965, P. 1323, Collective Motion in Finite Many-Particle Systems. III. Foundations of a Theory of Rotational Spectra of Deformed Nuclei, Physical Review, Vol. 140, 1965, p. 245
  2. Klein, Ching-Teh Li, Michel Vallières, Relationship between the Bohr Mottelson model and the IBM, Physical Review C, Vol. 25, 1982, p. 2733, Klein, Vallières, Relationship between the Bohr Collective Hamiltonian and the Interacting-Boson Model , Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 46, 1981, pp. 586-590, Klein, Li Physica Scripta Vol. 25, 1982, p. 452, Klein, Li, Cohen, Vallieres, Phenomenological concepts of nuclear collective motion and their possible microscopic foundation, Progress in Nuclear and Particle Physics, Vol. 9, 1983, p. 183