Deduction (tax law)

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Deposition has several meanings.

Tax law

Only the part of the income that remains after the following expenses have been deducted must be taxed:

Tax stealing

Selling here means to sell something to a third party - regardless of whether they are in good or bad faith.

Social law (Germany)

Deductions such as insurance lump sums, additional expenses for meals, income-related expenses and distance lump sums are regulated by Section 6 of the Social Allowance Ordinance on Unemployment Benefit II .

Individual evidence

  1. Stefan Rolletschke / Jutta Kemper: tax errors . Section 374 AO margin no. 17th
  2. Thomas Fischer: StGB . § 259 margin no. 18th
  3. Unemployment Benefit II / Social Allowance Ordinance, Section 6 Lump sums for amounts to be deducted from income

Web links

Wiktionary: tax deduction  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations