Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Hisham

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Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Hischam , Arabic أبو عبد الله محمد بن أحمد بن هشام, DMG 'abū' abd allāh muḥammad ibn aḥmad ibn hišām , was an Almohad Qādī in Menorca from 1231 to 1234 , but who ruled relatively independently over the island.


In 1231 Abu Abd Allah Muhammad signed the Treaty of Capdepera where Manūrqa (Menorca) supremacy James I recognized. At the expense of high tribute payments, however, he still achieved extensive freedom of action domestically, so that Manūrqa was in fact an Islamic state that was practically independent of Mallorca under his rule .

Abu Abd Allah Muhammad was deposed in 1234 by the mushrif Abu Uthman Said ibn Hakam al-Quraschi , who had seized power in a coup and then declared himself the Raʾīs of Menorca.

predecessor Office successor
Qādī of Menorca
Abu Uthman Said ibn Hakam al-Qurashi