Acaena (unit)

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Acaena was an Egyptian measure of length.

It was the common rod or canne commune and corresponded to 2 double steps or 4 steps. The large acaena or dodecapode was the hachemic rod and was 1 1/5 rod in size.

  • 1 old Acaena = 3,079 meters
  • 1 hachemica Acaena = 3.694 meters
  • 60 acaena = 1 stage = 6 plethra = 600 feet


  • Gustav Karsten, Friedrich Harms, Georg Daniel Eduard Weyer: Introduction to Physics. Leopold Voss, Volume 1, Leipzig 1869, p. 426

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gottfried Große: Metrological tables on the ancient dimensions of Rome and Greece. Schulbuchverlag Braunschweig 1792, pp. 12, 14
  2. ^ Johann Samuel Traugott Gehler, Heinrich Wilhelm Brandes: Physical dictionary. Ma, Volume 6, 2nd section, EB Schwickert, Leipzig 1836, p. 1235