Achim Neumann

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Achim Neumann , actually Joachim Neumann , (* 1939 in Berlin-Friedrichshain ) is a former escape helper on the inner-German border .


Together with his friends Reinhard Furrer , Hubert Hohlbein and Christian Zobel, Neumann was a member of a student escape helpers group led by Wolfgang Fuchs . From April to October 1964, the group dug an escape tunnel to East Berlin from a rented bakery in the building at Bernauer Strasse 97 , later named tunnel 57 . Between October 2 and October 4, 1964, 57 people came through the tunnel to West Berlin .


Web links

  • Tunnel 57 , ed. v. Federal Agency for Civic Education and Robert Havemann Society e. V.

Individual evidence

  1. Presentation of Achim Neumann on the homepage of the Berlin Wall Memorial , accessed on on January 6, 2016
  2. Report on the award of the Federal Cross of Merit, accessed on on January 6, 2016