Attention - tanks!

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Dust jacket

Attention - tanks! is a non-fiction book by Heinz Guderian about the possible uses of motorized warfare . The book was published in 1937 and describes a new type of warfare : the concentrated use of tanks with infantry and air force in close support, later known as blitzkrieg tactics . The book argues against the continued use of cavalry given the proven effectiveness of the machine gun and advocates the replacement of cavalry with mechanized infantry . Although the Austrian General Ludwig von Eimannsberger anticipated Guderian's almost identical approach in his book The War Chariot War of 1934, neither the French nor the English general staffs, who played a key role in the development and introduction of the armored weapon, took Guderian's ideas sufficiently.

The first half of the book focuses on the emergence of positional or trench warfare in World War I and the subsequent development of the first armored cars and tanks. Guderian outlines the development of tanks and tank tactics during the First World War and in the interwar period . He below discusses the impact of the Versailles Peace Treaty on the Wehrmacht , before describing the recovery from the setbacks the treaty caused in the development of the mechanized armed forces. In conclusion, Guderian calls for the further development of the German tank force and makes proposals for the future use of tanks and their relationship to other weapons.


  • Roger Edwards: Panzer, a Revolution in Warfare: 1939-1945 . Arms and Armor, London / New York 1989, ISBN 0-85368-932-6 (American English).

Individual evidence

  1. Russel Hart: Guderian. Panzer pioneer or myth maker? Potomac Books Inc., 2006, ISBN 978-1-57488-809-6 , pp. 41 (English).
  2. 7:47 The World at War (1973-74) ep3, France Falls
  3. ^ Roger Edwards: Panzer, a Revolution in Warfare: 1939-1945 , p. 24. ISBN 0-85368-932-6 . (English)