Acraea horta

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Acraea horta
Garden acraea (Acraea horta) .jpg

Acraea horta

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Noble butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Subfamily : Heliconiinae
Genre : Acraea
Type : Acraea horta
Scientific name
Acraea horta
( Linnaeus , 1764)
Wing underside
Pupa and caterpillar

Acraea Horta is occurring in Africa Butterfly ( butterfly ) from the family of Nymphalidae (Nymphalidae).



The wingspan of the moth is 45 to 50 millimeters for the males and 49 to 53 millimeters for the females. In both sexes the wings have an orange basic color. On the upper side of the forewing , the area between the outer edge and the disk region is translucent. The almost unmarked forewings show a sickle-shaped black discoidal spot . Several small black spots stand out on the upper side of the hind wings, which appear intensified on the yellow-brown underside. The head and thorax are black. A row of orange-yellow spots stands out on each side of the dark abdomen .


Adult caterpillars have a dark green base color, a light green back line and are equipped on each body segment with four black, each with four prickly branched thorns. The head capsule is black.


The doll is designed as a falling doll, colored black-brown and shows a striking pattern of light yellow spots and orange-yellow dots.

Similar species

The moths of Acraea neobule also show translucent fore wing regions , but differ from Acraea horta by a strong black band on the upper side of the hind wing.

distribution and habitat

Kiggelaria africana , a caterpillar

Acraea horta is widespread in southern and southeastern Africa. The species prefers to colonize moist forests, forest edges and gardens.

Way of life

The moths fly all year round. They occur most frequently between October and April. They like to suckle on flowers to take in nectar. The eggs are laid in mirrors of approx. 40 (maximum 150) pieces on the leaves of the host plant. After about nine days, the young caterpillars hatch and are initially sociable. As development progresses, they separate and then live individually. The caterpillars feed primarily on the leaves of Kiggelaria africana , and occasionally on the passion flower family (Passifloraceae).

Individual evidence

  1. Steve Woodhall: Pocket Guide Butterflies of South Africa , Struik Nature, 2013, ISBN 978-1-92057-247-1
  2. Markku Savela: distribution. In: Lepidoptera and some other life forms. Retrieved April 2, 2020 .
  3. flight time and photos
  4. Information on Art


Steve Woodhall: Pocket Guide Butterflies of South Africa , Struik Nature, 2013, ISBN 978-1-92057-247-1

Web links

Commons : Acraea horta  - collection of images, videos and audio files