Adalbert Brümmer

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Adalbert Brümmer (around 1858 in Berlin - July 12, 1937 in Hanover ) was a German theater actor and director .


Brümmer began his theater career in Potsdam in 1875, continued the same in Wesel in 1877, came to the Berlin City Theater in 1879, in 1881 to the Lobetheater in Breslau, was a guest in Görlitz from 1884 to 1885, in 1886 at the Dresdener, 1887 at the Hanoverian and 1888 at the Berlin Residenztheater, 1889 in St. Petersburg and in 1900 he joined the Association of the Court Theater in Hanover, where he made his debut as "Baron Ringelstern" in civil and romantic .

From 1890 he was also the owner of the electoral theater in Pyrmont .

In 1903 Brümmer returned to Hanover and was appointed director of the local Schaubühne. In 1921 he leased this venue and then retired.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sibylle Lehmann: The princely theater in Bad Pyrmont: the function of a spa theater in the 19th century. Hubert & Co., Göttingen, Munich 1994, p. 21.